Tuesday, November 10, 2009

taking a cue from individual style

I've said it before and I'll say it again, StylelikeU is one of my first go-tos when I'm feeling stylistically challenged. It's easy to get caught up (or bogged down) in current trends or to rely on the old faithful pieces in your wardrobe* to the extent that your preoccupation with looking good caused you to forget that fashion is about having fun.

Just like 'A Cheap Date Guide to Style' (another port of call during dry spells of inspiration) StylelikeU has that innate ability, like a good cup of tea and breasty cuddle, to pull you back on your feet and rediscover that inner flare. Because you do have it, it's just a matter of building outfits from scratch and experimenting with items that you would never think to wear together. Sophie Mascatello's remark that 'people who are freaked out about mixing stripes and florals just need to get over it.' may have sounded snappy but it got me to pay attention and reevalute, for I was indeed one of those souls.

Sabrina Bacon whose line of hairbands I mentioned in the previous post is somebody who has given me an instant kick up the arse to stand in front of my closet with a more open mind. All it took was a pair of spotted knee socks and a flimsy silky cardigan.

The bottom line is, there is nothing quite like a good 15 minutes watching these videos to have you back on your feet, or if infact you're feeling perfectly adequate with your current selection of outfits, you'll still come away itching to try out some new ideas. StylelikeU is all about championing individual style and it's incredibly reassuring and dare I say empowering to realise that out there is an endless variety of women (and men, the guys take a turn in the limelight too.) with an equally infinite sense of style. You could take just two tips or ideas from the different people featured on the site and come away with a completely revitalised approach to your own wardrobe.

*I agree with whoever came up with that 'We only wear a third of our clothes' statistic.


  1. I love that website!! It gives me so many ideas and inspiration! I'm guilty of being in the group of people who only wears the third of their clothes! xoxoxoxo

  2. tastes like disco7:55 pm GMT

    Thanks for your AMAZING links! It s not the first site you ve posted and I still keep on going back for a daily read and a constant source of inspiration.
    It is really very inspiring and you re so right with what you said about immediately wanting to look at your wardrobe and work out new outfits! I want to go thrift-shopping and mixing up new crazy things! =)

  3. Just what I needed! I'd never heard of this site before but I'm struggling to overcome the boredom of my wardrobe, and make the most of what I have as opposed to actually wearing a 3rd of it, which is usually the newest or simplest things!
    Thanks for the heads up! :)
    - FF x

  4. revitalised approach to my own wardrobe...just what i needed! :)


  5. i have never been on that site before! im gonna go and check it out now x

  6. I LOVEEEE that site! It really does inspire new ways of dressing with what you already have, while also making me want to add a few more 'special' pieces to my wardrobe and play around with my outfits a bit more. I think the best part is hearing about people's treasured items, the unconvential personal 'classics'.

  7. Long live the other two thirds...

    (great post)

  8. I've never been on it, normally i check out lookbook.nu for inspiration but i love this site!
    Thanks soo much!

  9. I love StyleLikeU as well but I had never seen these interviews for whatever reason. Thank you for sharing!
