To have somebody who was not only a top model, but a lively spirit and active member of the blogging world leave us so abruptly is shocking. but death is always that way, I suppose.
Daul Kim will truly be missed, she was one of those models brimming with personality, humour and life; there aren't enough like her. To die aged 20 is tragic, it makes you remember to appreciate the things you like and love.
Daul Kim will truly be missed, she was one of those models brimming with personality, humour and life; there aren't enough like her. To die aged 20 is tragic, it makes you remember to appreciate the things you like and love.
I can't believe she left us so suddenly :(
I love her spirit and hair!
I didn't know this, but it is so sad. I am so sorry for her and her family.
I gasped in horror when i saw that this am, so tragic.
Can't believe it... RIP
I'm so upset about this. I hope she's in a better place. RIP Daul
Why would she commit suicide? She was such a beautiful and happy woman. Im so sad about this.
so sad...
Extremely tragic . . she was incredible
so tragic . . . she was incredible
these pictures personify why i loved daul, so sad
So sad. RIP Daul.
Who knew you could do so much with fries? She had a good sense of humor. Very sad story.
Omg I never knew until now, but I´m nonetheless shocked, she was a great model and I may conclude from the photographs great company!
RIP Daul
I used to read her blog and it was after i read her last entry that I found out that she had died. To say I was in shock would be an understatement. I never knew or met her but I wish I had
Aww she was so cute I can't believe it. Its so so sad.
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