Sunday, May 09, 2010


It's incredible, I never fail to be baffled by the rate at which a trend circles across the blogosphere. And Camel colour (though of course the shade has been popping up on catwalks over the past two seasons..) is no exception, spreading faster than imaginary swine flu. On that note, here are some current hot picks in our chosen shade du jour.

1. camel swing coat from etsy
2. camel shorts from etsy
3. chloe sevigny at art opening, 2007
4. nail varnish in 'nice 'n' neutral' by topshop
5. 'a man in a cafe' by juan gris
6. photograph by garance dore
7. camel cardigan from etsy
8. suede camel sandals from etsy


  1. I love this color because it looks great with teal, my all-time fave :)

  2. I can't believe I didn't know you featured me on your blog until the girl from hk ldn sf mentioned it to me. I'm so glad too because discovered your blog from her and just adore it!

  3. camel is a great black alternative, love the color, especially in trench coats... handmade jewelry

  4. it is and amazing shade, and as i can see it will be a must have this season...

  5. i just today saw a snap of flo in vogue uk in a similar varnish colour. i fell in love and made a mental note to find that perfect shade of nude polish and this one is it! oh, if only topshop shipped them overseas...

  6. Anonymous10:40 am BST

    I love camel colour too

  7. Oh my gosh is this post eye candy or what? I love the way you've laid it out.
    And I really need to get down to a Topshop and check out their makeup range, I haven't had the time yet.

    Also really sorry I haven't replied to you on Facebook yet. It's a little manic at the moment but I'll send you an email over soon. xxxxx

  8. love this, you should make mood boards for a living...toooootes jumping on the camel bandwagon.

  9. A beautiful post in hues of caramel gorgeousness
