Sunday, May 09, 2010

staten island ferry

me on the staten island ferry, march by joanna thompson

just a quick note to say, I got a little behind with answering Formspring questions while I was away but am now all up to date. so if you have any questions (about me recent US trip, about Chloe Sevigny, how to subscribe to Apartamento magazine, how to wear camel colours..) then feel free to ask away. Equally, you may be completely sick and bored of Formspring, though I know that I (with my nosey ways..) find it strangely compelling and you may be the same.

have a lovely Sunday!


  1. saw this on facebook, such an awesome picture. you remind me of little my from the moomins here...


  2. oh, i don't have any special question, but i want you to know that i love this photo (:

  3. Absolutley ADORE this photo. Nothing I love more than New York, great fashion and photography...this photo has it all :)

  4. Love ur blog, have a nice weekend!

  5. Love that pic and love your blog!

    xoxo, P.

  6. Oh, I'm so glad you're back! You're one of the rare fashion bloggers who is able to discuss new designs and trends in an analytic way. Thank you!

  7. Lovely picture and blog!

  8. love this photo of you, it looks like something that would be in Nylon or Lula :)

    thanks for the lovely long comment, I absolutely adore nice long comments so please leave as many as you like :)

    Yes, I will be studying at Edinburgh next year, English literature. I'm really excited!

  9. Also, I really like the combination of the auburn of your hair and the orange of the barrier.

  10. So jealous of your USA trip :)

  11. i want to trip tooooo ..... what tempt explain and romantic shot let me dream of USA : ) best trip.

  12. Ah another beautiful picture, what kind of camera is that, is it a lomo, it has such a nice effect to it!

    And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, glad you liked my profile!
    I think it's kinda crucial that people have a john Hughes, circa mid 80's soundtrack in their life if only to recreate the whole breakfast club dancing on the balcony scene, or that's possibly just me,hehe!

  13. i want statenisland ferry again. ny is such an addictive place.
    need to formspring you about couchsurfing..
    they now charge to register! i meant to join last year but was very lazy about it. eep!
    xx fi

  14. such a lovely image

  15. That's a beautiful photo.
    I have not done the Formspring thing but I do enjoy reading answers. I don't ask questions; I read. haha

  16. Formspring is like at the end of a presentation when the speaker says "Does anyone have any questions?"...and I never have one. I guess I think I know everything.

    By the way, I added you to my link list on my blog, in case you want to return the favor :)
