Monday, July 12, 2010

july 12th

from this.. to this.. I've spent most of my day decamped at my local while the internet connection at home refuses to cooperate. after lots of satisfying keyboard tapping, productive activity and coke and peanut consuming i'm now feeling a little brain frazzled. but in a good way. have also been getting my head down with working on an exciting project which for now will remain under wraps but hopefully after more ground work has been put in I can tell you guys about it.

tell me something good about your days?


  1. If I close the door of my bedroom, my internet can't figure out that it needs to crawl through the crack at the bottom to get to my laptop. Which is delightful.

    Overall my days have been delightful, aside from my wifi nuisance.

  2. my days? I get up at 4:30 to run then come back around 7 and sleep tell 4:30 in the morning the next day. I need a new hobby

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My days? I try to survive because it's really hot in France,also I try to be on a diet and I $hop because it's the sales :-)
