Monday, July 12, 2010

current wishlist

(click item descriptions to see more..)

I've been spending an awful lot of time listening to The Beatle's Rubber Soul over the past week since I finished reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. The book, which I'm sure many of you have read (though if you haven't, do!) is filled with references to the album beyond just the title. My current favourite is Girl for the breathy romantic inhaling and dreamy sound which feels oh-so appropriate for the summer.


  1. I love that book when I first read it I was in a Rubber Soul obsessed state :)

  2. That album is just insane! i tried that top on the other day but i don't know what i would wear with it!

  3. looove that little bra. i've been wanting to buy a simple, beautiful outfit like this so much - just a pair of pants, a sweater, and boat shoes. lovely!


  4. i want the lace up booties!

  5. My friends back home have Beatle's Rock Band...I was really good as the singer on Expert for the entire Rubber Soul album. You should try's great!

    That Top Shop shirt is Amazing btw!!
