Monday, July 12, 2010

topshop and the trials and tribulations of the transitional season

The Topshop AW10 campaign images are in. They're very tantalising and doing nothing to help my current state of transitional season limbo. What is it about this time of year? Outside the sun is glorious, the skies are clear, the pavements are warm and all I can do is hide from the heat in a shaded cafe for the stubborn sake of wearing a camel cashmere jumper. The editorials are powering ahead waving all these beautiful winter collections in our faces while we desire a less sweltering climate in which to wear them. I'm beginning to think the obvious solution would be a move Down Under. The southern hemisphere's season is more in line with what I'm calling the Fifth Season. The Fifth Season being that fictional season-the one always out of reach but always in the pages of magazines. Models prance in their shearling jackets and suede shorts just as the sunshine we spent all of the winter coaxing out emerges. 

I would love to take the higher ground and refuse to let the pages of Vogue apply this 'always wanting what I can't have'' desire to the weather as well as the contents of my wardrobe. But you know, I'm a product of the whole system and it's bigger than me. It's bigger than me and I'm too weak to fight my dirty little sartorial desires. I too shall blindly follow suit and power on with autumn dressing lusting. And continue to toe that tricky transitional season line even if it means succumbing to layering induced fainting spells..


  1. Beautiful images, Topshop are on the money this season. And as someone who lives Down Under I can tell you that I still suffer from the trails of transitional seasons! But it is true, it is nice looking at lookbooks of clothing that I could wear right now (even if it isn't available yet). Good luck with dressing in the heat!

  2. beautiful pictures , particularly the second (for me) :)

  3. We've just blogged about this, wishing the summer away already because of Topshop

  4. Love this post. I'm always wishing summer away for our ridiculously short autumn...

  5. you are so lucky you work at topshop! I don't even live near one. haha. everything looks gorgeous.

  6. if that cape was in store now, id buy it and keep it til october. also, let me know about the aussie move, ill come with you and wear boots.
    xx-LJ from SOS!

  7. God I love those jackets look really warm and classic. Neat cut as well. xx

  8. that last paragraph is so funny and well-written. i'm just gonna stick to beachwear and attempt to ignore camel outerwear...

  9. I too have issues with over-layering until I want to pass out during summer. I was at Glastonbury recently and forgot that it was more important to stay cool and hydrated rather then wearing my favourite autumnal colours and layering them thus leaving me with sun stroke for one whole day. What a wally I am...

  10. I really need to find a perfect dark lipstick!! It can make an entire outfit. Check out some of our photos!!

    thanks :)
