Now, this daily hawking routine I've fallen into is really getting a bit silly. It involves a mid-afternoon slump in which I become distracted from whatever I'm doing and find that scrolling through the
Asos White Collection is the only way to alleviate my headfunk. Though this longing causes a conflict as it's tough to justify spending money on clothes at the moment when I'm not working and having to be realistic about the food vs clothes issue. I love Carrie Bradshaw of course but her whole 'sometimes I used to read Vogue instead of eating because I felt it fed me more' spiel really is nonsense as she clearly never fully appreciated the joys to be had of sitting around a table with friends and a huge steaming pot of minestrome/lamb stew/homemade curry or well, eating properly..
Still, the pieces in the new White collection really really are lovely. Think Cos meets Whistles but ever so slightly less pricey. Fisherman jumpers (in a luxe fabric and sensible forest green colour), grey suede penny loafers and numerous well-cut classic tops are all on the menu.
Also on the site are a fetching pair of suede patch leggings. They are £40 but after realising that my old trusty pair of ribbed American Apparel leggings and a cashmere camel jumper is my post-lecture go-to 'vege-out-fit' and that in terms of cost per wear I'm probably now being paid to wear said leggings, the idea of spending that £40 on another pair isn't too painful an idea.
I'm now on the verge of purchasing myself a couple of things on the basis that they'll be my winter buys and the core items to supplement my wardrobe which purely out of neccesity when moving to University is actually quite small and capsule-like. Who knew! After all the 'quality not quantity' closet daydreaming I used to find myself guilty of, I'm now a convert with about 6 or so outfits on rotation.