Thursday, November 18, 2010

november 18th

This is what I've been wearing this afternoon, indoors at least. There is still a lot of trial and error going on as I acclimatise to not only the onset of winter but a proper manchester winter which, let's not beat about the bush, is bloody cold. Maybe I'll start a daily layer count to make it a fair test. Yesterday I wore one vest, and today I upgraded to a vest and a tee under a big jumper. All very well being smug about layering until you realise half way through a tutorial that you're a sweaty wreck.  And so the trial continues..


  1. The boots are too good.

  2. Yes, I too am loving those boots!

  3. Anonymous11:29 pm GMT

    WHERE are those boots from?? They're Fabulous!

  4. I love those boots. I've taken to wearing a leather jacket UNDER my coat. It is the only way I can survive in the cold, and I'm now seriously worried what I'm going to do when Jan/Feb hit. It's a toss up between wearing three coats or moving to LA....

  5. Anonymous2:23 am GMT

    Same deal in NYC. I bundle up to avoid the cold, only to sweat my ass off on the subway.

  6. love the boots
    feel free to follow xoxo
    twitter: @FASHION_ICE

  7. what are these boots? they look really familiar
