Thursday, November 18, 2010


Tourist is in my eyes, and likely in the eyes of many of you the 'online magazine of the moment'. Each issue is consistently filled with creative and well shot photo stories; editor Sanna Helena Berger and the contributors have a real knack for creating editorial that feels very now and caters to what we as readers (and lovers of blogs) want. The whole magazine taps into society's current fascination with well, other people-the message of today is anything personal is always better and Tourist agrees. An image of a girl bent over beside her front door, searching for keys in her bag (because how many times a day do we do that?), an ode to a favourite magazine, contributors' holiday snaps are what you can expect from an issue. Hell, it's nothing groundbreaking so to speak, just pretty cool and pretty nice and sometimes that's all that's necessary.

Here are some of my highlights from Issue 11 which has just been released:


  1. I haven't checked out Tourist properly before despite having seen it's name pop up here and there, so I'm very glad you posted this because I just had a look and it is really lovely. My fave is the shoot you took the first two images from as well, that jumper is crazy!

  2. I have no heard of this! Your well-written review has me curious though.

  3. And the Editor resides in Manchester in fact. Coolville.

  4. Wow, I feel pretty lame for not having heard of this sooner! I'd better check it out, because it sounds awesome!

  5. I love Tourist! That first image is off the hook.
