Thursday, June 09, 2011

bleak summer

1. 'A Life Less Ordinary' by Paolo Roversi, Vogue UK May 2010. Styling by Lucinda Chambers.
2. 'Ultraviolet Garden' by Craig McDean, Another Magazine Fall 2007. Styling by Marie Amelie Sauve.

A couple of images to represent the mellow and slightly dazed 'what now?' feeling that is hanging in the air now that exams have finished. Cars are pulling up outside, cardboard boxes are being loaded in and the summer holidays are officially starting for those leaving now. I've been wandering around the flat in leggings and sandals, doing the laundry, buying peonies and sitting outside on the grass (rather than an old car seat) but with an equally vacant expression. 

On a side note, I bought the new issue of Apartamento Magazine (the price has hoiked up the £12-ouch!- but it's still worth it, I think) and recommend the piece 'Loss of Appetite' by Chiara Merino which describes an old love affair, the food they shared-the walnut pancakes, the grilled fish, the cuba coffee and dirty martinis, and the way her ex-girlfriend's body smelled of anise and bread.


  1. Anonymous4:01 pm BST

    LOVE 1. xox

  2. Stop moping and come down to London for a visit! Ps, Is Apartamento getting a bit glossy? Feel it's changing...

  3. Anonymous8:32 pm BST

    I adore the model's hair colour in the second image. I've got that exact feeling. Like I should be revising or something, even though there's nothing to revise for... how are you going to spend your summer? :) xx
