Tuesday, June 07, 2011

the weekend

Some pictures from this weekend. My fantasies of lying in the sunshine and reading were slightly scarpered by chilly weather most of the weekend but the sun came back out yesterday just in time for a walk along the River Tyne between Prudhoe and Wynam before going on to Newcastle. Beware of awkwardly overenthusiastic 'I'm going to take a picture of myself now' photos. Also note the backpack which I picked up for £2 from the Hexham car boot sale from a man who described himself as an 'ex-teacher, holistic masseuse, cross-continent cyclist, woodworker, recovery driver and husband of 40 years' and looked just like Jeremy Beadle. I kid you not.

Occasion-appropriate clothing came in the form of an h and m dress, sunglasses from topshop, new balance trainers, margaret howell cardigan, second hand army coat and rucksack.


  1. That is one amazing backpack! Even more so for the memories of the man you bought it from.

    Also, ducklings are the most entertaining things ever. I spent a good 15 minutes watching some paddle around the canal next to my supermarket yesterday.

  2. I love ducklings! Love your blog

  3. Prudhoe to Wylam is a lovely walk :)

  4. what brand of clear frame sunglasses are you sportin'? I've been looking at some nine west ones in addition to some Marc by marc jacobs ones (bigg price difference!) but am still undecided!

  5. aaahh the duckiess sweet

