Saturday, September 10, 2011


What I wore yesterday: Topshop Ampersand jumper, second hand bloomer-ish shorts, New Balance 420 for packing and last minute chores before leaving Bristol behind again. I am now just getting settled into my new house in Manchester. This is my first time in a 'real' house of my 'own' which is rather exciting. 

I'm also thinking of doing a 'Freshers' (cool!) related post for those of you who are starting University this year if any of you have ideas of things you'd like to know? I know when I started last year I became a bit compulsive when it came to devouring any information I could find, not because I necessarily needed it but just because I found a bizarre pleasure in indulging in Guardian Student Food guides and hearing how people budgeted. So do throw any questions/ideas my way if this appeals at all.


  1. love love love the jumper and shorts. i'm sorry to say you lost me at the trainers, aha. function over fashion this time, i guess? x

  2. aaaaah, i need this jumper in my life!


  3. Anonymous7:47 am BST

    Love your jumper! x

  4. got a big crush on this jumper. liking the colour of the shorts too.x

  5. Anonymous3:02 pm BST

    i'm starting uni at manchester, you go to manchester uni don't you? any tips on good shops/clubs/bars/anything and everything?!

  6. Anonymous5:13 pm BST

    Would love a fresher's post! I am currently caught in a downwards spiral of compulsive googling, as I move to the UK in a couple of weeks (I live in Austria). Love the jumper (and your very funny, very real blog!) xxx

  7. I would really enjoy a fresher post, since I'm starting university this year- I can't make particularly precise questions since I'm not from England and things are different where I live, but I'm wondering about how does it feel to be away from home and more independent, but also how to organize study time, advantages and disadvantages, tips, meeting new people.. I've got so many questions!

  8. Anonymous9:26 am BST

    yes to freshers post!

  9. I've been dying to get that jumper ever since it went up on the website! It's just so cool!

  10. Anonymous12:38 pm BST

    oh do you think its worth bringing a bike to uni in manchester, if youre living in fallowfeild? will it just get stolen? any tips? :) x

  11. Anonymous4:11 pm BST

    I remember you posted a pic of that jumper in a previous post and I thought it was perfect, it looks quite warm ;)

    And that Freshers post seems interesting :) I'm in my 4th year at Uni and I've just moved to my boyfriend's appartment so it's being a whole new experience.

