With a little help from my (white) friends

Now excuse me, but hasn't this been done before? I may be missing something, but why has India Vogue, like China Vogue's first edition felt the need to debut with good little white girl Gemma Ward on their cover? If they really need a western (okay, more Eastern in Gemma's case) vibe in there, why didn't somebody more fresh and exciting get a look in. I feel like I see enough of the "Donaldson, Ward, Stam gang" in US and Brit Vogues.
She may only be 21, but Wardy is getting old in the modelling world. Or perhaps this is just my view, but I like the see the model cycle spin at an exciting pace. Why not Kinga Rajzak or Lara Stone on the cover? Or Diane Moldoven or Suvi Koponen?
This could become quite an interesting discussion, and I know this post is rather politcal, so speak up. Have a rant if you disagree with what I'm saying; perhaps I'm being very naive, or let yourself go if you want to build on what I've said. You may cause me to change my view..
I like Gemma I have to say. Maybe they were shot by the same person and they really like her? I think she looks better on the China cover, the India cover is a little boring
it's funny. as if even vogue reminds us that the face of power remains always the same(!).. no comments.
the vogue china looks like a nice contrast but the india cover is bland.
maybe gemma appeals to the fashionable people who have been following american magazines (because of the absence of a Vogue for their native land) but the chinese and indian models appeal to those who really want to have people from their country in the magazine..
im confused
Thats a good point actually Ana,
"maybe gemma appeals to the fashionable people who have been following american magazines (because of the absence of a Vogue for their native land)"
I hadn't quite thought of it in that way...
S xx
happy birthday.
i agree, i am so bored of gemma ward and i think they should have used someone like lara stone.
Personally I don't understand why the editors of these magazine don't want to put an Asian supermodel on the cover of its own. Maybe they think it will sell more copies, but I don't really see the relavancy of Gemma Ward (as pretty as she is) to Chinese or Indian fashion.
Bu that's just me...
the thing is that i really don't know what I see in him! he is sooo not my usual type of guy. but he is just too adorable and he completely won me over in hairspray and in high school musical 2 when he lies back in the piano and puts his arm round gabriella (if you haven't seen it you cant understand) i practically cried with envy.
who do oyu think is hot?
I like Gemma. She has been around for awhile though. I do not think they should have used her on the cover of China and India's Vogue. I think they should have left the spot for another Asian model on both covers
i don't think they should've slapped gemma on the cover with two indian models for the premiere issue.
they either should have put a mixture of all nationalities or just one.
but i also understand and agree with ana's comment.
it's entirely possible, and it would make a lot of sense.
wow the indian and chinese models are so pretty. though india's pretty commercial type models. anyhow. i think it's prolly bcos gemma's relatively well known in these countries and thus. the use of her in their debut. haha but i kinda noticed how gemma's squinted her eyes in china's as the rest of the models and how her eyes are wide opened in india's as the rest of the models LOL.
anyhow thanks for d comment! haha! seth's so so adorable and ryan and daniel are so so hot!! oh god. esp dan in casino royale!! his accent is so so posh!!!
I think the covers are a little ridiculous...there isnt a need for gemma ward on. The majority of models in US vogue are white, so it would have been refreshing to have seen gemma absent from the vogue india or vogue china covers.
Ana's comment is almost spot-on: In both China and India's cases they wanted to include a Western model to show that the countires were looking forward.
China doesn't want to see just Chinese models in the mag - likewise if the Indian cover had a load of Indian women in saris it wouldn't appeal to the high end consumer (who buys Parisian / Milanese brands) and wants to move away from the traditional beauty stereotypes of their country.
They are trying to attract an more intelligent fashion savvy reader who will want to aspire to the international Vogue lifestyle which Gemma, as a recognisable Western face and fave of all the Vogues, is.
But then again a lot of people probably buy Vogue because it's Vogue - and will ignore what's on the cover anyway! Phew!
im over gemma & im linking you ;]
oooooh i just read mrs fashion's comment and i think she's right. also, perhaps they wanted to show the influences of western fashion? or like the joining of cultures? and gemma ward is probably a more recognisable face than the newer faces.
oh i have been noticing diane moldoven recently; she's beautiful.
I think the first cover should have only indian models!!! I like Gemma, but you right, she's everywhere in this side off the world...kissessssssssssss
This might sound offending but...maybe Vogue India isn't too fashion forward, and Gemma is like ...you know, big, whatever, to them.
I might be wrong though. It's not like I know anything about India anyway.
Not a good start for Vogue India! They look like they're already suffering from a lack of originality and ideas. Snoresville.
i dont really have anything to say, i just wanted to see my photo up in here, dont i look pretty. damn i should have been a model......kidding of course :P
Bojana, you're right. The so-called 'models' on the front flap with Gemma are actually Bollywood actresses, as is the girl in the middle of the second flap. I'm Indian and being horribly snobbish, but the actress presence on the debut cover is more problematic for me than Gemma's, because Gemma, however tired we may be of her look, is still a legit big name in the modelverse. Bollywood, on the other hand, is everything BUT classy or sophisticated- hardly the kind of image Vogue should link itself to.
The cover's a bit crappy looking, to be honest. Too flat and boring.
you need to look at gemma's presence from the local point of view. india may be a developing market but it also has tons of women's magazines on its newsstands. very few local magazines will have access to gemma ward on their cover though, so it makes a definite statement.
also, almost all of the world's leading fashion designers are from the west. having a western face on the cover does say something accurate about the current state of fashion.
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