// Real Resolutions to adopt//
Because we all promise ourselves to "be more healthy; by being more strict with exercising and eating well", but because that is what everyone else is doing and we I usually resign myself to the fact that I won't last through the February, here are some others to shake things up a bit.
With some for myself, some for you, as well as some for the likes of the Olsens thrown in for good measure.
1. Buy more second hand clothes.
I'm feeling disillusioned with buying cheap mass produced clothes. Instead promise yourself to cut back. Having a good snout around a charity shop can be extremely satisfying when you snap up something special. You can cultivate your skills, and feel less guilty about damaging the environment and being unsure of who is being exploited on the production line..
2. Find your trademark hairstyle.Mixing up your style and experimenting with different looks is fun, and it may take a bit of this to find a look that you think really suits you, but I've been inspired by something that Miss Sevigny said; that Wintour and Patti Smith have the right idea by sticking to one hairstyle; because it has meant that they have aged less, and I think there is something rather charming about staying loyal to a certain style and really getting to know your hair, so that you can really understand how to style it and blow dry it to get it looking it's best. That way you can spent more time experimenting with clothes.

3. Take Inspiration from film.
Film is my main source of inspiration, and I like to channel characters rather than the LA It girls. While there is a good week left of Christmas holidays to spent sprawled on the sofa, pop to the video shop and stock up on goodies.
-The Royal Tenenbaums for furcoat loving Margot Tenenbaum.
-Fight Club for Helena Bonham Carter in grubby little second hand dresses and accessories.
-Somersault for Cornish's platinum bedhead and and winter overcast sunday afternoon jumpers.
-Stealing Beauty for floaty floral dresses worn minus a bra Dunst-style, and the Tuscan backdrop doesn't hurt.

4. A suggested resolution for Ashley Olsen.
"There is more to life than being really really ridiculously goodlooking" and so it's about time that you started being a little more friendly to the planet. If you're going to wear fur, why not opt for vintage? But more importantly, downsize that monstrosity of a car. It's ugly, fuel guzzling, and if a bike is good enough for Kate Hudson and the chic Copenhageners..
5. Do one good deed a day.
Being a do good-er was never so much fun. Channel your inner Earl Hickey, and dish out good karma. Hold a door open for someone, compliment them if they look good, smile at a stranger, buy flowers for a friend; one thing a day feels so good.

6. Treat Yourself.
When there is so much to take up our minds and occupy us during the day, it's sometimes easy to forget to relax and treat ourselves. Buy yourself a manicure, or book yourself for a facial. Do it at the weekend and you'll feel all smug and radiant come Monday.
7. Begin each day to a good start.
It's hard to do, but when I pile into bed at a reasonable time, I always feel so much more optimistic come the next morning, and a great way to put yourself in a positive mood for the rest of the day is to set "your song" as your alarm tone. You can select this function on iPods, and many other MP3 players and stereos, and hearing your favourite tune nudge you from your sleep first thing in the morning is a welcome change from the blaring of your rude alarm clock.
I recommend "Later Monday by Jon Brion", for gently easing your way into the day.