Advent Season: Day Twelve
Bag Hags

A little late I know, but the lovely Mash from Le Book is back blogging after a (too long) break, and she allowed both myself and the fantastic Allure (thats Allure-Allure) to indulge ourselves in, um, ourselves and share our bags with the "world".
Think you can diffenciate the Bag Hags? At the risk of sounding even more self absorbed than I already do.."This is time for y'all to show some loyalty and guess which is mine!"

Not the quilted one, I think the other looks more appropriately "confused," goodness how I love bags!
uh, deffo the brown leather bag- more down to earth, less haute (but still beautamous)!
hey, i have that benelipgloss...
that black bag is supahgawgous!
(forgive me for thinking aloud here)
haha, I think I know the answer ;) The sunglasses thing doesn't make sense now, but I did a few months ago.
Thanks for the mention.
i dont know but the bag on the right is uber gorgeous!
i have the marc quilted ;]
I know the answer for sure, Allure one is the left one, so yours must be the brown
so hot !! all those models are so lovely !!!
le brown one seems mucho more you (love the french and spanish combo? i do;]) it looks a little bit botkier but i know its not. want it as mine, though!
For some reason you and I think very alike... I was just about to do a post on the contents of my bag! I did something else but would you mind if I posted my bag post later on? :)
As for the bags - of course the second one. I couldn't imagine you without a Nylon!
Lovely Bags, I have to say I first tought you were the owner of the first one, but then i chcked out that first blog you credited and I realized i was mistaken =L
Bad guesser =L (iof that word actually exists)
ohhhhh thank you :) dont know how to say that in english but "tu m'as manque" (missed you so much ???)
Yes Mash, it's I missed you:)
right one?
I already knew that the right is yours as i have seen the post but if iu didnt i would still think it is as it is scruffy chic
I go for the bag on the right! It's more you:P.
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