Best dressed of the week: Six dresses and a tux

Thankfully the christmas season has spurred those rich socialites into planning plenty of charity bashes, meaning that the Best Dressed of the Week posts may continue without having to consider the Gossip Girl crew and Lauren Conrad as contenders (pheww).
A mention to Julianne Moore and SJP.. better luck next time, bitches. J, how could you have not understood the need for red lipstick? And SJP, you were doing so well until you decided to wear a long coat under your cropped fur, chhh.
Rachel Bilson (Is it bad to wish that she would have an off week so that I wouldn't have to feature her all the time?) and Keira Knightley (thoughts on her new fringe. Not a fan myself, but it may..ahem.."grow" on me. Oh dear) both demonstrated how to travel in style when they were passing through LAX airport. And not a pashmina in sight, thank god.
Lets all applaud Maggie Gyllenhaal who stood out from the rest of them in a feminine tux, looking effortless and too cool.
hmmm...I not sure how I feel about Keira's hair. It's odd, for lack of a better word. Lately, I've been pleasantly surprised about Hayden's wardrobe choices. Its not all juicy sweats anymore! And, I feel the same way about Rachel Bilson; sometimes you just wish she would end up on the worst dressed lest or even the moderately dressed list!
Kate Hudson has looked amazing this week. love her smile.
juliet xxx
If you copy and paste the picture into a document (paint,word) then the picture is full length
Anways, I really like what Kate Hudson is wearing - exactly something I would wear
And I'm a fan of Diane but I'm a bit on the fence about her red lipstick...
kate hudson for best dressed! im deffo loving all the sightings lately...
im on team katey!
although diane comes close second...
I think Nicole Richie is one of the most lovely pregnant women I've ever seen (and I don't really like her)
I'm not such a fan of Keira's look, she's probably got too much foundation on, she looks that dead pale.
Kate is definitely the best dressed of this lot, in fact she rarely has an off day either.
And's going to be a long time before my girl crush on her goes away. The picture just demonstrated why.
Love both outfits from Keira!
Keira Knightly and Diane Kruger look amazing. The black and white theme is nice for winter wear.
^I have to agree with you! they look amazing!
I'm in love with short dresses <3 The tux looks great too actually :)
I think Kate Hudson is so great because shes got great legs, shes confident, and she exudes confidence!
I really am dying to get the femme tux look...
i luv kate outfit's here. adorable :)
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