Wednesday, April 01, 2009

remember the days when we all fawned over clemence poesy?

i miss those days.

pic; the fashion spot


WendyB said...

I'm sure she misses those days too!

Meghan and Lana said...

aw me too. remember that nylon cover with anja and chloe? loved that.

Chelsea Rae said...

I feel like she's been super M.I.A. lately. Sometimes, I watch In Bruges over and over just to get my dose of CP chic.

Kimberley Brandsma said...

Oh yeah, I do. I wish we saw more of her again.

The Portmanteau said...

This O.F was great. Full marks, Clemence.

Fashion Tidbits said...

i'm still fawning...

Alice X said...

i don't get it, did something happen to her?

discotheque confusion said...

no, nothing happened to her apart from less frequent outfit posts on the fashion spot, don't worry, dear clemence didn't die!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Clemence, she's totally worthy of fawning, it should happen more. x

A. said...

i do too! i miss all the girls we used to fawn over...

i'm sure they'll all come back again.

e wasson is slowly dying, haha.


hippyhippychic said...

aww posey is so cute.
we need to see more of he again
(: x

Sarah said...

LOVE her.
I feel like saying, "Where have you been all my life?!"
It seems like forever since she's been in the limelight.


Daphné said...

I wish we saw more of her ... she has such a great style!