This "flaming beauty" is up and coming canadian model Judith Berdard.
With her red mane she's like an edgier Elson, and shes managed to get herself a contract with the very chic french modelling agency Marilyn who also deal with Irina, Coco Rocha, Iekeliene Stange and La Moss herself.
I love her blunt fringe, porcelain complexion and versatile looks shown below. From pony girl chic to strange and beautiful!

With her red mane she's like an edgier Elson, and shes managed to get herself a contract with the very chic french modelling agency Marilyn who also deal with Irina, Coco Rocha, Iekeliene Stange and La Moss herself.
I love her blunt fringe, porcelain complexion and versatile looks shown below. From pony girl chic to strange and beautiful!

sure, i would love to swap links. in fact, i've already added your blog to my list & what a charming blog it is too!
as for the jessica stam and sasha p shoot i'm afraid to say i couldn't find any information on what magazine the photos were published nor the photographer. However, I do agree that they are rather lovely shots.
yes i do live in the wonderful uk; wonderful at least for it's quircky shops and strange culture.
sorry, just got your comment!
swapping links would be just swell.
great post! i'd love to swap links. i've already linked you so if you link me back, that'd be great!
Oooo....the land of ice and snow does produce some lovely ladies if I do say so myself!
wowww she is actually gorgeous!
im so proud to be canadian.
i got some socks, but i need socks so i dont think they qualify as terrible.
i got a giftcard to the mall and i never go to the mall. guess i will and buy some magazines or something...hahaa
you have no idea. what a compliment! me? actually compared to my style muse CoryK???! thank you ever so much!
ooo Judith sounds like a name to remember...very unique looking esp. with the redhead
wow she is very pretty the colour? the bangs? the length? where is my hairdresser?
ooo.. i like her hair. it's so red and silky.
She reminds me of a young Pamela Desbarres (of I'm With the Band fame)
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