(above: Flowers, femininity; of course its McMatthew! (Matthew Williamson, that is)
My first introduction to foil leggings was in my local H and M on this girl (who if isn't already a supermodel, she really should be!) She looked like a cooler, more edgy version of Marianne from Make Me A Supermodel, (anyone who doesn't know Marianne, watch out for a new post..)and was wearing an Ashish style top, lots of layering and these fantastic gold leggings.
She was attracting lots of attention, and my two friends who I was shopping with didn't seem to agree with me that she looked great.
Wish I'd taken a picture now...
But anyway...back to the point of FOIL LEGGINGS! Although many may not want to brave the look (possibly myself included..) here are some pretties to feast your eyes on!
Can't remember if this designer is if anyone knows, but I love the way they've paired the leggings with a simple white tee.

Do it like SUSIE! Susie of Stylebubble hits the nail on the head and comes over all French Chic with the mix of reds and black and a little beret.

all pairs, topshop leggings (rather steep at £18)

I'm beginning to love those shiny leggings!!!
you know how on Tv shows/movies, whenever there is a person from space, they always wear shiny outfits. that is what i think of when ever i see shiny leggings, but i do like them.. future-estic chic
American apparel sells them.
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