Ooh, and for all you Brits, there are a lot of changes over the next couple of weeks, rather annoyingly whilst I'm away. Smoking ban and Gordon Brown are the main changes. So briefly, thoughts on our new leader? Personally I rather like Mr Brown, he seems reliable and "sturdy"-just what we need!
Anyway, to all of you who are hawwlidaying, have a great time, and I'll be back Friday 13th. Eee!
Right, and back to fashion...
Bored of Boombox

Most of my friends would probably agree that I'm somewhat a campaigner for individuality, a martyr even. So the fact that I'm feeling a little disillusioned with individualism, has sent me into a deep frenzy of worry.
It seems that since the launch of sites like dirtydirtydancing and facehunter, the dirty pretty things who come out to play at clubs like Wet Yourself and Boombox are able to showcase their fashion talents, and individuality. Thats fine. But it seems that even these unique dressers are looking a little same-y.
I'm tired of the sub-conscious uniform that seems to have been adopted. The lens-free "Little Miss Sunshine" style glasses, the pvc leggings, slogan tees (I heart NY included), the bow ties, neons, scenestar and platinum pixie haircuts, chunky oversize necklaces, and well, quite frankly oversize everything.

And what makes me even more sad is that this is a look that I used to like, and admire, but when the clubbers spend more time in the bathroom preening and brushing their blunt fringes and getting themselves camera ready, than actually enjoying themselves on the dancefloor, It makes me wonder if sites such as facehunter are just becoming a new media tool for the public to use to "market" themselves.
With all the reality television programmes we are exposed to, people are becoming very savy about knowing how to "brand" themselves, and for me, this just takes all of the fun out of fashion.
Of course, I can't say this is the motive for all of the clubbers, and fashion paps like
Yvan are simply interested in showcasing whats being worn (and I enjoy scrolling through the pages of blogs like this, very much), but I think this is when the superficicial nature of fashion really stands out.