"Uhhh, wow!" Was pretty much the first thought in my head on seeing this... wonder of a dress. People who live in, or have visited London will be familar with the street entertainers in Covent Garden. With the amount of bronze on show here, Tyra reminds me of one the metallic 'statues' that are often posing around Covent Garden, but...I'm actually rather liking it! Don't get me wrong, I still think Roberto Cavalli is the Jordan of fashion, but its so blingtastic, I love it!
I'm anticipating this will recieve some very strong reactions! Also, what are your thoughts on her new fringe? I was too young to witness Tyra in her "prime", but for you 'older' bloggers (!) I want to know, did it ever happen? Because the way I see it, is that she was never a very classy model (Victoria's Secrets, anyone?) and was generally always second best to Naomi, who actually walked in top shows and that really it's now that she's raised more awareness of her ex 'model status' purely through ANTM...
Onto some other dresses that have caught my eye this week...

Click here for a little peek (from Stylish Thought) at some of the other pieces from the YSL collection. Perhaps the 1980's paint splattered dunagrees (that my mum is always talking about...) are reviving themselves in a somewhat more acceptable form...

As much as I love Wayfarers, they've always come second place to Linda Farrows, in my opinion (so much so, that theres a LF post coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled...) so a picture of Sienna donning hers will trump a picture of Lindsay, Mary Kate, Kirsten, Nicole, Kate or Ashley (and quite frankly everyone else) in their Raybans anyday. What I particularly love about Sienna's get-up in these shots is that she seems to be relaxing back to her laidback summer look, which is what got everyone noticing her back in '04, yet this time, she's mixing things up with some modern touches, and so looses the folk (yawwwn) edge. The hair colour is looking so great on her at the moment, too.

I do, however feel sorry for Ms Miller, as she looks rather vulnerable and unhappy, and like she's running away from the paps and dashing to take shelter in her house. A big cheesy smile would have made the outfit so much sunnier, no?
>>So much more interesting than Wayfarers (which we're being told will be 'the' sunglasses of the summer. Yeah, whatever.) these square frames are also a lot more complimentary and generally more modern, I'm getting tired of the same trends and designs getting recycled every few years. If I see nautical or the fifties coming back anytime soon, I think I might just check myself into Promises.
Are you ever on the Teen Vogue message boards, by any chance??
Oh I remeber those days in the early to mid 90's.
Tyra was very much a top model. She walked in all of the major shows.Some of the shows she did are Todd Oldman, Izzac Mizari, Armani, Herve Leze(band dress man), and Dolce&Gabana to name a few. She actually set a record of 25 shows in New York, Milan and Paris(thats 25 each city).
Naomi(I love her) had her banded from a few other shows like Channel(Karl really wanted to use her) and Versace.
She was also a Covergirl(Had a contract)and she was also in a Mabaline(sp) commerical.
She was everywhere and feautured on a number of shows as the next up and coming model Elisa Klinch(cnn style). I think she was feautred on Fashion File and Fashion television.
When Tyra started to put on weight or complete pubety as I like to say. She switched over to commerical modeling. I think that was her plan all along because she has always said that Cindy Crawford is her biggest rolemodel(model wise).
In the early 90's before designers got rid(M.Prada) of supermodels there was a push of a group of upcoming models who looked a lot like that group of supermodles.
Tyra was the replacment for Naoimi Campbell. There was Rosemarry Wetzell who was the replacement for Cindy Crawford(she had the moles and all). There was also Valeria Maza(sp) who was the replacement for Claudia Scheiffer. I don't think there was a replacement for Christy Turlington but I think Christen Mcmenamie(sp) was the replacement for Linda Evangalista or at least she was the bridege between Linda and Kate(waif models).
Sorry for the long post. I had no idea I was a stan for Tyra but I love to talk about models and love them as much as I love fashion.
I absolutely love demi's dress!! cool, colourful graphics on a simple dress will always look very chic but young at the same time. Definitely one of my favourate looks of hers.
that dress is horrible i laughed at it so much.
i broke up, but now we have been made to go back to college for a few weeks, then a have a fashion promotion course and then i finally get the summer.
i cannot wait and im so excited about dressing for summer too, its probably sad but i dont care!
i dont like sienna miller to be honest, i think she has lost her touch
demi looks stunning in that dress, and so so so good for her age, maybe thats what marrying a toy boy does for you?!
also i have decide to tag you, i am kind of unsure what this means but i did the post on it where you just write 7 things about yourself
Woe Chic Noir, you do know your stuff! And no-one can replace Christy Turlington...
Love Sienna's dress. Hate Tyra's.
I saw Sienna Miller in Alfie, and you know what, I think she's cute.
I like those square-framed sunglasses, very hipster-of-the-future.
Thank yoooou for the nice comment on PLease Don't Feed the Models....Awww your blog is my favorite must-read :D :D
And the header is so great
Finally Miller got the memo. You are not a Factory 54 groupie. You are what is in essence, a huge trend billboard with alright acting skills.
She does however pull off the indie-hipster look quite well. Linda Farrows rule over RayBans.
I will refrain from commenting on Tyra, my dislike of her is to big for words.
I've always thought that if I saw Alex Turner on the street, I would think he was kind of average... but his music is what makes him most attractive to me, I think...
And I'm a sucker for British accents, what can I say?
I've always wondered this: Do British girls love guys with American accents like American girls love guys with British accents?
And so many Americans love all things British, but I highly doubt Brits love all things American... kind of a one-sided adoration thing going on. Maybe it's because so many Americans just depise our culture.
Gah, I don't even know what I'm asking!
tyra that dress is hardly fierce but she does look kinda like young tyra circa 1990's
how i hate tyra. she looks horrible. i mean she was never that good of a model, and now she is instructing people? dont get me wrong, i love antm, but i hate tyra. and her talk show? dont get me started. and her whole 'i left modeling b/c naomi hated me' is just stupid. yet she forces her potential models on antm to get along and everything. i'm so sick of her.
I can't believe tyra wore that dress the top looks good but the bottom looks like a bronze trash bag but you have to admit she knows how to work it;)
I love the shades that Seinna is wearing with the pink on the sides...<3..i always wondered wether tyra really was a model, but the dress makes me vagually remember Keira Knightly's Oscar dress two years ago...which i loved..tyra's dress is sort of not makin it for me
i love demi. sure she's had loads of work done, but can you imagine looking that hot at her age?! sorry to say this, but tyra looks horrendous...i like her, i really do, but dammit she looks like a crumbled candy wrapper. so wrong. you're my summer girl!
@ All of the Tyra haters.
Yes, I am sick of her now also.
That said, she is probably one of the most photogentic models of all time.Linda E and Iman are the only two who I think can consistenly(sp)take a better photo of the top of my head. I think the reason so many of us are fed up with her is her oversaturation on TV.
Also, I don't like the goode goode image that she betrays on her show.
Another thing I dislike is that on her talk show she does not look like a supermodel.
I know a lot of people(women) complain about models have unatainable beauty but I like when models look like models. I like how she looks on her other show during the judgeng portion. I think she should look like that on her talk show.
oh no... i think i feel a linda farrow sunglasses obsession coming on.
maybe ms miller is just having a bad day... we all get them... her dress is cute though!
could NOT agree with you more on the supremacy of the linda farrows
I'm a little late with the comment but I am completely obsessed with Demi's dress. I really like that paint splattered look. Awesome find.
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