Ooh, and for all you Brits, there are a lot of changes over the next couple of weeks, rather annoyingly whilst I'm away. Smoking ban and Gordon Brown are the main changes. So briefly, thoughts on our new leader? Personally I rather like Mr Brown, he seems reliable and "sturdy"-just what we need!
Anyway, to all of you who are hawwlidaying, have a great time, and I'll be back Friday 13th. Eee!
Right, and back to fashion...
Bored of Boombox

Most of my friends would probably agree that I'm somewhat a campaigner for individuality, a martyr even. So the fact that I'm feeling a little disillusioned with individualism, has sent me into a deep frenzy of worry.
It seems that since the launch of sites like dirtydirtydancing and facehunter, the dirty pretty things who come out to play at clubs like Wet Yourself and Boombox are able to showcase their fashion talents, and individuality. Thats fine. But it seems that even these unique dressers are looking a little same-y.
I'm tired of the sub-conscious uniform that seems to have been adopted. The lens-free "Little Miss Sunshine" style glasses, the pvc leggings, slogan tees (I heart NY included), the bow ties, neons, scenestar and platinum pixie haircuts, chunky oversize necklaces, and well, quite frankly oversize everything.

And what makes me even more sad is that this is a look that I used to like, and admire, but when the clubbers spend more time in the bathroom preening and brushing their blunt fringes and getting themselves camera ready, than actually enjoying themselves on the dancefloor, It makes me wonder if sites such as facehunter are just becoming a new media tool for the public to use to "market" themselves.
With all the reality television programmes we are exposed to, people are becoming very savy about knowing how to "brand" themselves, and for me, this just takes all of the fun out of fashion.
Of course, I can't say this is the motive for all of the clubbers, and fashion paps like
Yvan are simply interested in showcasing whats being worn (and I enjoy scrolling through the pages of blogs like this, very much), but I think this is when the superficicial nature of fashion really stands out.
i will miss the posts, but you will have fun in spain, it is awesome. and we need to find a new way to be original, because you are right, all the old ways are being played out.
Great post!! It's funny because I started writing a similar one but never finished it...I will too becauise I'm going on vacation so no blogging too for some time.
Have fun and enjoy spanish sun and hot french guys!!
have a great time, i'll miss your posts
i agree with you on gordon brown (but anyone is better than the slimy david cameron - he looks like a creep!)
i was never really into the Boombox look and im still not. I find it so predictable though I know it isnt supossed to be.
oh dear... this only means your fashion style is evolving, and that's a good thing. All of what you say happens to all stylish people at some point the only difference are the names and faces.
have a lovely holiday!
I am sure you'll like Bilbao. And don't forget visiting the Guggenheim museum! :)
We'll miss your posts
I've absolutely been feeling the same way! Boombox, Misshapes, Cobrasnake...i feel like to be cool nowadays, you have to look like...that. yuck!
i know what u mean but i don't want to not like it but i do not like it now! i wish wish i had been older to be able to experience it more fully as it all looked like so much fun!
Totally totally agree: everyone who tries to look individual always ends up looking exactly the same as all the others who want to look individual. Boring.
Happy holidays.
Mrs F x
have fun!
and it is really hard to be individual. it seems that everything is the same...
Yes, this is a very very good post!
I was thinking the same thing actually. I mean, I still like these looks if I'm honest, but it is all very samey.
I don't really know how to go about being individual anymore, because it all gets taken into another trend!
I'll miss your posts , enjoy your vacation !
good post! I totally agree.. it has become so mainstream.. most people just copy everything they see on 'hip'people and dont have their own opinion about it.
have fun on your holliday!
Have fun on you vacation...i'm jealous and i'll miss your posts...im not really going crazy over the intense bangs...not my fav
when you say 'board a ferr' does that mean you live in europe? if so, whereabouts? whether you live there or not, HAVE A GREAT VACATION!
Agreed. I prefer Sartorialist to Facehunter because those Boombox-y types all look too try hard. I think the answer is that they are younger and still going through that 'notice-me-I'm-an-individual' phase, whereas the people on Sartorialist aren't trying to be different (well most of them aren't) they just have a comfortable, cool style. Maybe the internet is to blame for making it easier to access these people? Interesting debate...
u are so right!!
we need to eff the media and jus enjoy ourselves!
Bilboa sounds awesome.
And I couldn't agree more about the club fashion blogs. I can't remember when I felt the line had been crossed but I totally agree.
the first red head guy with the mushroom cut, i don't know how he can even see past that fringe! i will miss your posts a lottt. hope you have a blast in France and Spain!
HERE, HERE! very good post, i've just been baffled by how these hipster's think they're being individual when they dress like everyone else
HERE, HERE! very good post, i've just been baffled by how these hipster's think they're being individual when they dress like everyone else
ah! I've noticed that myself.
What used to be off-beat, indie culture in dressing has now become so mainstream and predictable.
'tis sad.
I'm personally ready for wide belts to expire, but I still like oversize bags because they seem so practical.
you've been tagged , come to see on my blog .
i couldn't agree more
To me, those hipster folk look all the same to me-House of Holland tee, Ray bans, neon excrement everywhere, etc. etc. Oh and unwashed hair, what is the appeal of that?
Great post! You are so right! But I still scroll down the facehunter too...:)
You just don't get it? Boombox is about having fun, yeah people dress up.. for fun... because they can, and because they enjoy doing it, most of them do it very well.
They're not looking for fame, I know every single person in those pictures... I take their photo because we're friends... just like your friends take photos of you. Have you ever been to boombox?
You can't take going out and club fashion so seriously. Some of it is ironic, some ridiculous, sometimes fabulous, very rarely serious! Thats the realm of the catwalk!
Alistair aka DirtyDirtyDancing
)))))))))) I to you cannot believe :)
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