Where do designers get their inspiration from? Street style? Art? Films? Style icons? Music? A mood? The list is endless. But taking inspiration from a cartoon character seems to be a pretty cool way to go!
Just thinking back to your favourite Disney characters...what are they wearing? Alice (in Wonderland) was ahead of times when the alice band was named after her and she why else do you think Pussy bows and pinafores are so cool? The Marc Jacobs 2005 collections seem to be very cartoon inspired.

He said himself superhero Violet Incredible was who the gothy winter collection was based on, and model it girl Irina L has been compared to her also.

His spring collection reminds me of Alice (in wonderland) who was clearly ahead of ties with her pinafore and pussy bow combos. And who else did you think the Alice band was named after?
Minnie Mouse seems to be somewhat a style icon too. And no, I'm not talking about Minnie Mouse pyjamas or merchandise here worn by older ladies who should realy know better, i'm refering to the Comme des Garcons and Richard Nicolls collections paying homage.

I am crazy about Alice in Wonderland. She is most definitely a fashion icon to me.
yeah i wanted to go there too
i am obsessed with chanel bags, i want one so badly
i bid on one on ebay (soooo not a good idea, never try it!) and it turned out to be fake
luckily i found out and stopped my bid before i got lumped with a fake chanel
i adore alice in wonderland, this post is very cute, and so true i can see all the links
i was going to split with graziz, but then as you said, that shoot in the american suppermarket came up and well, we're back on now haha
i am noticing its getting a little thin though, size 0 magazines next?
x x x
by the way i left the anonymous comment before, i have no clue why it was on that, oh well
haha great post. i love how marc is so original and unique about his designs. and i actually love alice in wonderland (but jasmine, cinderella, sleeping beauty, belle and ariel beat her in my books... probably because they all ended up in living in castles with princes... haha i'm so shallow)
awwwwesome new header, i loveee it!
the uk vogue cover below looks a lot like the one us vogue published in '92. i love it when designers take inspiration from cartoon chracters, the clothes turn out to be fun, creative and childish, but sexy at the same time. love alice in wonderland, i think i'll have to go watch that one soon. oh and i'll get back to posting as soon as my exams are over, which is next week.
Oh, I loved the Commes show... all those pretty sugared almond colours - and cute ears!
Mrs F x
Only Commes Des Garcons can make mickey mouse ears less touristy and more haute. Looves it.
whoa, excellent observation
i too love alice, i am her for halloween every couple of years
I have to agree with mrs fashion
i love it when you can see a collection's inspiration. alice and wonderland has always been one of my favourite films and she has such good style.
when are you posting the results of the quiz?
i love the marc jabobs show it looks rele kl
Alice in Wonderland, cartoons anything colourful! Sooooo inspiring and fun too. :)
you know, now that you mention it, alice from alice in wonderland does look like the inspiration for marc for his spring collection. and i love it.
John Galliano probably takes his inspiration from cartoons EVERY SEASON. And yes, I do happen to be back. I beckon thee!
great post, love tehe whole disnye thing, and i think that alice in wonderland would prolly make a good muse, in fact, did you see that fashion shoot, Vogue In Wonderland? it's one of my alltime faves, it was hot, I might blog it sometime.. anyway, love the blog, wanna trade links? x sarissa
Alice in Wonderland was prolly one of the few movies that didn't scare me as a child. Can you bliv I was freaked by Disney movies? The scenes with those baddies in Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid terrified me. Lordy, I'm such a chicken.
Great post!!
And yay for Disney characters!
hahah, I love the john galliano makeup, for some reason it actually reminds me of a mixture between john smith from pocohontas and ursula from the little mermaid... kind of a strange mixture of people, i know!
Nice pics!!
great post. I was recently Alice in Wonderland for a Disney dress-up party my friend had.
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