Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Advent Season: Day Eleven
Fur Play

fur.jpg picture by yeahLAK

Fur of Faux? Like Size Zeros or the Real Deal vs Knock-offs, it is a debate that, yes, is interesting but nonetheless has become rather relentless
As many a fashion site and newpaper have reported this morning, Kate made an appearance to the Led Zeppelin concert in London last night in Karl's Fendi Fur creation. In case you didn't know.

You may have noticed that It is in fact the same coat that Kate Bosworth wore so well back in October at the Great Wall of China Fendi..extravaganza.
As the sight of KATE IN FUR COAT! is bound to get many knickers in a twist, I thought why don't we have a look at the other ladies who have donned fur over the last two months.
There's been Kate, Kate and Ziyi in Fendi, Maggie in Prada and Mary Kate and Sarah Jessica in vintage, not forgetting Sienna who wore a cute little Russian hat this week whilst patrolling the streets of London.

As I said in last week's Best Dressed Post, SJP's pairing of her cropped fur jacket with a full length coat left me a little puzzled, but coat aside, I salute the look of the jacket paired with the leather skinnies.

I am remaining open and neutral on the fur front for the moment. While I don't think I would fee comfortable wearing fur knowing what the animal would have gone through, I eat meat and so am still having a hop and a skip around the fence, still deciding what I think.


riz said...

I used to be really unsure about fur, and I probably still am, but I can say that Karl's Fendi that Bosworth wore was exquisite. Faux that's in most people's including my price range, tends to not feel as soft. But then again there are the animals to think about like you say...

Anonymous said...

perfect timing! PETA has just launched a mega attack on the olsens (or 'trollsens' as they are calling them), in an attempt ot get them to stop wearing fur.
Have to admit though that I am a fan of the fur look, however I will only be wearing vintage...makes it that little bit more ethical.

Eva. said...

Stevie you should always post everyday!! i love coming here and seeing a new post! eugh..sorry but I hate fur in any form and on anyone..i get goosebumps when I think the fur someone is wearing is real, and I think fake fur is kitsch!oooops.anyway, b.

Anonymous said...

oo contraversy! i agree, the thing is i own leather bags and jackets but they never seem as taboo as the fur debate- sometimes i feel like a tool knowing that animals are now suffering in great numbers every time someone like fendi sets 'a trend'...

but then, i think id give an arm and two legs for that fendi coat


A. said...

i love fur. faux. fur. vegetarian speaking.

vintage is best. though kate m. looks divine. as always.

im still in love with my find ;] im saving it up for all my fabulous new years soirees.

Lana said...

I see fur everywhere at school. Worn in the wrong way. The girls look ten ages older and granny-ish in it.

But the ladies in the pictures on top certainly now how to rock a fur coat. Why SJP, stick another coat underneath it..? :S

But I'm not a big fan of fur. But if I like it, I like it faux. Like that fur coat from H&M for example!

Bojana said...

I love looking at fur, I think it's beautiful.

I prefer tha coat in Kate B...it's kinda classier on her.

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

I don't really like fur
I have just one but is fake and it was of my aunt

Miss at la Playa said...

PETA must be really happy ; )

Jo said...

I dont like fur, its just not my thing...it always remind me of my grandmas fur "chic an snob" jackets that I alays hated...
but I have nothing against who wore it!!!

everybody has there own taste, and its wrong to say that something should not be worn...but I have to say I feel bad about thoese animals...

Anonymous said...

i assume you now know about the PETA/olson controversey? beautiful animals wear fur, not ugly people, with a photo of the twins...hhmm

Mónica said...

I don't know if I like fur or not, I've done a poll and a post on that last month. It's so confusing, because in one hand, I eat meat and I wear belts and shoes made with leather, but in the other hand, I feel sadness for the poor animals, so really, I can't say I hate fur, because apparently I use it on daily basis.

I think it's the first time in my whole life I don't like SJP outfit, what the hell is that? I love the Kates Fendi jacket.

Eva. said...

haha, you made me laugh! I guess she does look like that a little (Stam) now that you mention it/..
i might replace her with someone else, or a better picture of her!anyway thanks for the comment and cant wait for tomorrows post!

Liberty London Girl said...

I wear vintage picked up from ebay & my great aunt's closets... new, not so sure... LLG xx

Kendra said...

Im not really sure where I stand on the whole fur issue either
I like the fur coat better on Kate B though. She pulls it off with more class.

Anonymous said...

Faux fur all the way for me, not tacky fake though, that is just scary.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I'm definitely not against faux or real (as long as it is aquired humanely, which is difficult to authenticate and unlikely), that said it just looks so chic! I actually don't own any fur, I would feel overwhelmed, however who can deny the stylishness of these ladies?

Jessica Chu said...

honestly, reading your blog makes my life complete. I am so swapped with finals right now that I took some time and caught up with all your entries. LOVE you and your way of thinking and just everything.

chloe is starting to become one of my muses. and as always, i love lindsay lohan. she's just wickedly devilish!

Héloïse J. said...

i wouldn't wear it either- but it looks so fabulous! *about 10 min ago i was thinking of this same topic for my next post!!!
you played fur and won!! :)

Ella Gregory said...

I'm against fur myself, but I also think until it is banned when people wear it you cannot completley rule them off as being horrible people. They aren't breaking the law.
And most of these fur's I hope are vintage.

Claire said...

I'm with you, while I do eat a little bit of meat and wear leather, I just can't bring myself to wear fur. I used to wear my mothers old (gorgeous) vintage rabbit fur jacket, telling myself that vintage was okay. But I've since changed my mind on that; vintage or not, you're still promoting the trend.

That said, I love the way fur looks and would die to rock a pair of leather skinny's and a fur bomber jacket this winter... (see, leather AND fur, I'm hypocrite, HA!) But I think I'm going to have to wait for the day they perfect the "faux".

Teresa said...

Fur is so luxuriously gruesome.
On one hand I love rabbits, but on the other, Kate Bosworth needs a way to keep warm what with such little body fat. Plus she makes Fendi look so good...

Fashionstyle said...

the look of Kate is magic....