After all that waiting.
Now let the bitching and disecting commence.
Victoria is here!'s right here...her- wait, where is she?
Victoria, we're ready for you!?..
Mr Jacobs is most certainly on a roll, and I think he, er, pulled it out of the bag (ouch!)
This is a wise, wise move. Or is it a bit too clever?
Not only is this good for Marc, but good for Victoria. She can finally prove to America that she has a sense of humour and win a little slither of us style snobs over, too by showing us that she can do "quirky" (That's quirky by her standards, naturally,)
You know what? I have a conspiracy theory to add to the mix. Just because I'm controverisal like that (...).

You ready? I think those are Marc's legs.
He and Victoria Beckham are about as orange as each other these days, and they look a little hairy don't you think. Although Mrs V's smudged tan is distinctive.
I just don't think I can imagine Victoria Beckham on her back with her legs wide open. Even if it meant starring in an ad campaign ("Like, I've wanted to do it ever since I was a little girl..")
Just in, are two more, a nice pre-weekend delight. Now, I'm thinking that he should have kepy on with the same idea of not seeing her face, just to keep everybody wanting (to know) more. And Victoria walking out of the giftbox? It just seems a little inconsistent with the first photograph. Maybe they will grow on me, but I'm not considering that my fantastic (!) conspiracy theory may have been shot to pieces. Damn.