Saturday, July 26, 2008

to backpack or not to backpack

the idea of wearing a rucksack as a fashion accessory hadn't occured to me until they popped up on the catwalk at Prada and DKNY a couple of seasons ago because, well the idea just seemed downright absurd!

I loved my inflatable backpack when I was 5, but since then they would only be reluctantly dug out for those miserable walks you're dragged on by your parents when you're younger.

Now it seems to be a case of reverse psychology, because not only does the idea of a nice walk in the countryside appeal, so does a little old school baggage. A little something in leather for the madeline look perhaps.

It's worth checking out the post that refinery29 did a while ago as it features a great collection of backpacks, from ACNE to alexander wang but also a little selection of what ebay has to offer.

I'm really craving one, with the idea of popping in my ipod, notebook and usual accompaniments and maybe a bag of sandwiches and setting off for the day.
Having said that, I'm so used to the feel of a handbag strap on my right shoulder.. woah there, comfort zone..


Irene (capuccinobar) said...

The black one may look good, yeah I like it:)

Anonymous said...

I must admit it's not really a style i'm instantly taken with, but the black one is rather nice

Anna Pope said...

Even though backpacks just bring back memeories from middle school and even though I'm way too used to my bags, that first one is really cute. Also, a backpack would def be a well deserved break for my poor abused shoulders...

emsie said...

I think this look could really work - although backpacks really remind me of school trips!

Emily Sher said...

i've been wearing backpacks all summer they're cute and convenient. i say yes.

Fashion Tidbits said...

uh useful i admit. but "no" as an accessory

Héloïse J. said...

Cool accessory but i'd prefer to hold a Bayswater bag!! :D

SICK. said...

at first i wanted the stella mccartney for lesportsac bunny ruckie, but then i graduated to my 'world famous' brand burlap ruckie - similar in shape to hannah's.
i love it with conventionally pretty outfits (such as a floral dress), an accessory in the same category as the baseball cap (which coincidentally is in my top favourites right now).


discotheque confusion said...

yess, i'm so glad that you're going down the same route on this one jessica, i completely agree about the baseball cap.

there's such a satisfaction to taking a garment of clothing like this, that is seen as "uncool" and turning that perception completely on it's head.

Eyeliah said...

I say not to backpack, I hate having to reach around etc when you need to get something out of it (like a ringing cel phone!). But backpacks are always good for school and outdorsey activities.

Lisa said...

Backpacks, while practical, can dish out just as much abuse to aching shoulders as purses. In university I'd have to carry my laptop, books, clipboard, pens, phone, iPod, snacks, dance shoes, and coffee mug around with me all day. It was not fun.

Eunice said...

I don't know but I've always loved those plain military green canvas knapsacks like the two bags on the very top of your entry. I also like the squared/rectangular shaped canvas knapsacks too.

I mean these canvas knapsacks versus typical jansport or [name your brand] kinds are way better. I guess middle/high school students should stay away from the canvas knapsack because they'd be make fun of.. Happened to me. Hahaha, but who cares I already knew my bag was better. [:

Anonymous said...

i resisted getting a backpack for so long until my doctor told me i was getting lopsided shoulders so i took the plung...let me tell you, you will be 10 times happier with a backpack. mine isnt even a nice one its a $20 jansport and i LOVE it

Michelle said...

I'm virtually inseperable from my yellow Jansport rucksack during my uni years. Not exactly a chic accessory (unlike the Urban ones you posted), but amazingly handy all the same.

Jaclyn said...

I am with you on the whole backpack thing. I think it would be weird and something to get used too. The black one is cute.

Siru said...

I have no idea what you're saying. I don't get the glow.

juliet xxx

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oh, I have a backpack exactly like the first one, but in black. I only drag it out for long trips, maybe I should give it more

Shen-Shen said...

Backpacks to me symbolize heavy textbooks and endless amounts of tedious homework.. I can't decide where I stand on them!

Ella Gregory said...


Sorry I just HATE backpacks with such a passion.

no no no no no!

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if its the 90s thing that has seeped into the conciousness, but i know i'm into it and i wasn't about 12 months ago. Maybe its the fear of looking like those drawstring sports-kit bags that were 'in' for so long at school?

it's just so put together + gruffly urban *foot shuffle*

Danny Daily said...

it's a debate. i wore a back pack for all twelve years of school and then when i got to college, i full embraced the tote bag. i love the backpack for the space and the freedom of my hand but hate it because of the obvious nerdy nature of it.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Ever since I noticed ashley olsen wearing a cool backpack a couple of months ago I've wanted a nice one too, it's easy on your body and you can carry all your stuff and look stylish! Love the one from Urban outfitters!

Lauren said...

i am def open to this idea as an actual fashion accessory!
i still use the old fashioned ones for school

Lauren said...

i am def open to this idea as an actual fashion accessory!
i still use the old fashioned ones for school

Mimi said...

I'm sure they could look good.

María said...

I am dying for a vintage school satchel.But every single one I found was so expensive!

ashleigh said...

i bought one from an op shop waiting til summer to debut. if it's personal style, not runway style i think you can incorporate anything, anytime.

Anonymous said...

I've been debating this too... but haven't really found the right one....

ssh said...

this is a hot stylish look when the right person can pull it off. I.E how Ashley Olsen has recently worn the backpack in nyc...definately a fan she looked amazing...props to you for having the guts to bringing the look back :) hehe