walking back from my salsa lesson on wednesday night (that's right, i do salsa..) i found myself in Borders leafing through "Kate Moss Style" a new and satisfyingly chunky book by Angela Buttolph.
The vast number of pictures of Kate Moss reminded me of how fantastic she looked in the 90s. In recent years, she hasn't wowed me in quite the way she used to and some of the older pictures really inspired me to recreate the outfits that are so simple yet effective, like a long slim tube skirt with a little white tee tucked in and some quirky sunglasses.
I'm thinking a Kate Moss style post is in the works just to remind us all of why we love her so.
oh how i love her...and you're right, she was so pretty! i rarely see her smile anymore.
yessss looking forward to that post. and you're definitely right about her wow factor being way up in the 90's.
they were both poster children for the 90s. lovely
Love it - can't wait to see the post!
In the last few years she has just become tired. so dull to see her in vogue the whole time.
Yet..although its a cliche now to say kate moss is your style icon or even passe what with so many hip stylish young uns, i would still consider her to be one of mine. I think i will always love her style.
btw 75% discount from topshop?!!!! just unfair! And you got that pearl jumper! again unfair!
I've been doing salsa for about 4 years or so...it's nice to hear another fashion blogger come out and admit to it! How long have you been doing it?
ugh I've totally been thinking that! Lately kate moss has lost a lot of her intriguing-ness...also, i just feel like her and johnny were the hottest things ever together (though I do think vanessa paradis is cute with him too come to think of it...)
i love them together. i did a post on them a week or so go on my blog truenorthstyle.blogspot.com. she's still amazing but she's lost the mystery she had back then. i must get this book.
ahh, this picture is so perfect- i love that goofy laugh! Every time i thrumb through that book i feel i'd love to own it so i don't spend 45 minutes in sat on the floor borders even though it's dorky and my street cred wouldn't stand for it (ha)...guess that's what christmas lists are for!
Oh stevie, you saw right though my little ramblings- i was high as a kite on calpol! I'm still gross and bed-ridden, which is why i've taken ages to reply... The mix is dreamy and perfect (better than calpol)-Midnight Man is my new favourite song, and the cd's has already been nicked by my mate. he's obsessed too (and possibly a little in love with you)!
Here's a little present:
ahh chloe-i covet the floral bralette...so hard
i love her sunglasses!
it's true, she was amazing in the 90s [...and the phrases 'amazing' and '90s' can't often be thrown together] but even a half photo of her reminds me how fabulous she is/was.
johnny most certainly doesn't hurt that factor, I'm sure.
She did look a lot better then.. Although how could she not, with Johnny by her side?!
I really like her glasses
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