Wednesday, October 07, 2009

the boys


Secret Forts blog is the most accurate representation of the kind of guy I would be if I'd been born 'Billy'. Yes, that was the choice of name favoured by my parents (two unisex name options? it makes no sense!) I would wear my hair like James Dean, nurture an appreciation for leather holdall bags and deck shoes. collect vintage girly magazines. shop at Steven Alan and Apolis Activism, go all soft at the sight of classic cars, have a thing for stacks of button up shirts. crush on girls that wear french knitwear and tuxs.

Have a little read and you may end up wishing you could be your guy alter ego just for the day..


Sage said...

Sounds fantastic! If I had been born Seth and you had been born Billy I reckon I'd be totally gay for you. What would our lame couple name be? Silly? Beth?

Anonymous said...

oh my, for like the first time ever, being a boy is sounding actually quite appealing! wow

littlemolly said...

haha. so funny that you have thought about your guy alter ego. hope you are well lovely. xxx

Anonymous said...

Its such a good name for a blog too! :)

Talisa said...

Ohh great pictures!!!

Flavia Flanders said...

haha.. i'm gonna check it out,

All Women Stalker said...

Oh,great link! I will stalk him now. Haha


Unknown said...

great pictures and amazing male alter ego haha..

Marta said...

ooh! i love James Dean, he was so sexy!

lydia said...

haha i've always leaned toward the more androgynous side. i'd love to have a cute unisex name though.