Sunday, August 24, 2008

celebrations in the pipeline


i lovelovelovelove this site, and so should you.

ps, the blog's 2nd birthday is coming up soon, and depending on how busy the next week is (the end of work experience and return to college) there are some blog celebrations in the pipeline.

part of this will involve a Q&A post, because, well, i always enjoy hearing other bloggers shedding a little light onto what goes on "behind the scenes", so if you have any, ahem, 'burning questions' about me or the blog (or the evolution theory or how i eat creme eggs or whether i grow my nails long or short..) then unleash them into the comment box or hit me up via email []

oh and one thing you're not allowed to ask is whether i prefer lost in translastion or fight club, because i love them both equally, as a parent loves their children.


Anonymous said...

ooo love the photos! and a Q&A is such a good idea (i'm rather tempted to do that, expect I'm so narcissistic I doubt anyone would be fooled haha, but I'd love to hear more about you!)

Q: are you a student or what is your career?

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Lovely post. I hardly know where to start to ask questions...I'll give it some thought and give you a real dozy like: what is the meaning of life? Etc...

discotheque confusion said...

thanks, tch!

we can always rely on you for some thought provoking substance!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the links ,very beautiful photos !!

Ariella said...

Those pictures are lovely... I really like the first two, so I will definitely check out that site.
I don't know you all that well, since I just started coming here, so I suppose it would be nice if you could just tell something about yourself in the q and a post!

Kimberley Brandsma said...

Lovely pictures! Great blog! Congratulations with the almost second birthday of your blog! I'm going to add you to my links too and I've tagged you! You can look at my blog for details.;)

Ashlee said...

thanks for the site recommendation...will check it out.

happy second (soon to be) blog anniversary.
your blog is lovely.

young-shields said...

What wonderful photos, I'm sure I will think of a question soon.

young-shields x

Richel said...

I love these photos. I really like the one taken near the window!

diana said...

Two years! wooow!
so esciting
loved the photos


diana said...

and I forgot to tell you that I will definitly put you on my links!

Sammy said...

Those first two pictures are so darling! Furry bunny mask & over the knee socks *sigh* Perfect!

emily said...

omgomgomg, i want to marry these pictures. and questions. hm.

if pinocchio said, “my nose is about to grow”, what would happen?

Anonymous said...

These photos are so beautiful! The first couple make wearing a bunny mask seem like such a normal thing to do.

I'll try to think of a question soon hehe...

I love your post below as well the guide to fashion blogging. I really need to get me some photoshop!

Anonymous said...

ooh! How bout a discotheque guide to film?

or style?

or justaboutanything? the fashionblogging one was so good

Fashion Tidbits said...

gorgeous photos!! and congrats in advance for the blog birthday!

Anna Pope said...

Wow, 2nd anniversary and still going strong! Can't wait for the celebrations!

Definitely Fight Club for me ;D

michelle said...

I like the photos :) said...

Q: I want to know how long it takes you to do all your amazing collages. Seriously, I bet it takes forever!

Zornitsa said...

Hello, you have a lovely blog. Would you like to swap links?