The Kaiser jumps the bandwagon

A fantastic collection; some very exciting new spring colours (the green/yellow hybrid), eyecatching accessories (the plastic spiked headband) and the sexiness of the sheer trousers is a stroke of genius.
Just one complaint; Isn't it a little late for this Karl? Luella was sending Rayban rip-offs down the runway two seasons ago..

Thanks! And aye, that is the truth. Not too bowled over by the Chanel collection either. :S
i love the sheer trousers...but the rest is done before.
i like the collection though.
although it might be a bit overdone, i still would buy it.
that is, if my budget would permit!
but the runway was a cute contrast to the dark and grungey clothes.
well, Karl is Karl. He can do the worst (Chanel. Ew) as the best (Fendi always looks gorgeous to me).
And I loved this collection!! It's so fun and youthful...very optimistic.
I thought Karl's SS08 collection was okay. The Raybans are getting a bit tired, and like you say, he's a year late with this trend.
Hiya,totally agree with you about the over the top nu-rave scene overshadowing cassette playa's work, his name is Elliot Atkinson. I found him via myspace, you should check out his previous work too, he seems really creative. Oh yeah I'd love to exchange links xx
I kind of want to wear the beautiful runway.
i loved the background and runway to his collection - it was a nice sontrast to the clothes!
How come pictures of women smoking are so cool? I want one of myself like that too =). But i don't smoke *-) mhmhmhm, maybe I'll just pose with it ;)
Karl is a freaking genius.
I love the runway's background too! so colourful.
I don't really like it
Chanel is supossed to be Chanel
and this is not Chanel it's yucky nu rave inspired stuff
I actually HATE anything nu rave
I love the yellow Ray Bans, I think it look kind of cool. Karl Lagerfeld broke my heart with this season's Chanel collection though. Ankle bags, why Karl why?
ooo I love love the yellow sunnies so much!
did i told you that your header is fantastic?.. oh and those shades are to dream about. i want so badly a pair of raybans.
the face hunter photos are great, cool styles!
i don't like it, i don't know, i guess it's just not chanel. but i do love the facehunter photos
indeed karl is a bit late! lol :D run karl, run! why's that? does he think we won't notice? or he thnks he's reinventing this style? naahhh! inspiration= zéro
p.s nice face hunter pics
i love the yellow sunglasses from the facehunter spring 2007, with the black lenses.
Loving your observations...
hes like the perfect mix between the cobrasnake & the sartorialist.
x a.
THIS is an amazing blog! thanx
Def! but the wayfarers are SO safe
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