Wednesday, June 04, 2008

on a break

am spending the next few days in edinburgh.
visiting my best friend.
meeting her friends.
playing around.
hit me up if you have an tips on places i should visit.
i think the vanity fair exhibition is here from london.
posting as usual.
and comment replying, i promise!


Lana said...

Fab photo and have fun!

Anonymous said...

the haymarket area has some good
vintage shops.

A. said...

have loads of fun, darling! let me know who it goes...



this modern love said...

hi! have been reading your lovely blog for a wee while now but i think this might be my first comment... I had to comment because i'm from edinburgh (though I live in sheffield at the mo).
Anyway... i strongly recommend going to Godiva boutique (just off the grassmarket). They sell some lovely vintage and also stuff from Edinburgh College of Art fashion graduates. Analogue (bottom of Victoria Street) is also great - it's an amazing design bookshop with loads of cool magazines/fanzines.
There are lots of lovely shops round the grassmarket/victoria street area in general.
I'm probably biased but I do think Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities in the world :) - have fun! x

Anonymous said...

love the photo! have fun! i actually have been there once, its a really amazingly old and haunting city. have fun!

Anonymous said...

have fun + enjoy yourself dahhling! ... would it be to much to ask for you to bring a camera while you do? :D

tip: heels vs cobblestones (eek!)

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

Loove the pic, have a great time with your friends!

annabananna said...

have a great tip!
and an addition to deexdeexdreamer's tip: steep hills + cobblestones vs heels.

Anonymous said...

get along to totty rocks on victoria street and the red door gallery also on victoria street which has some amazing jewellery and general lovely stuff! armstrongs is a vintage shop in the grassmarket, harvey nichols is always worth a wistful wander (and has a great food bit you can actually afford stuff from!)
also just walk about and take in the beauty of the buildings!

Charlotte said...

The polaroid looks so crazy! Enjoy your vacation!

Miss at la Playa said...

I loved your comment, I have my notebooks covered with starts everywhere! :D

A. said...

yeah, i absolutely love it downtown. really we only stayed there because it was the only place cheap enough and somewhat chic. the pod did very well at both plus i stayed just around the corner from it last time at the affinia 50, so coming back it was nice to be familiar with things.

next time though im dying to stay at the rivington which is actually right across from teany...those floor to ceiling windows? ahh!

maybe we can meet up next year then :]

Debbie Shiamay said...

Cool photo!!! Love the effect!

S said...

I love polaroids, How sad is it that their time is nearly up?
I'm stocking up!


p.s. Erin Wasson in Alexander Wang. Ohhh. So hot.

rg. said...

I have the most magical memories of ediburgh :)

Terren said...

love the photo in your blog title. have a great time with your friends!

Anna Pope said...

Lovely photo. Have the bestest of time :)

Jessica Chu said...

have fun and enjoy!!! xoxo

Michelle said...

have a great time, you all look very stylish in the polaroid!

Lauren said...

have fun! post lots of pics :)

Nikki said...

Edinburgh is amazing! Have fun!

hannah said...

have a brillant time!

Ana said...

ever since I read the Alexander McCall smith books I have wanted to go there.

FashionSqueah! said...

I'm from Edinburgh, you'll have an ace time, it's a fab city! I'd recommend The Rusty Zip, a vintage shop opposite McEwan Hall and Bristo Square (my uni!) it tends to be less picked over than Armstrongs which many others have recommended. Armstrongs is still worth a look!

Style Spot said...

aww lucky you !!
i hope you have an amazing time


Bluukbob said...

i love that polaroid.. great image!!
the blurryness is awesome!!

and you have a lovely blog here..
would you like to exchange links??

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

love UK..i missed my hom,e there in plymouth..the drake circus is to die for!!

have u been in plymouth???

Anonymous said...

have fun darling!

Tinsley said...

lucky girl! i want to travel right now and leave the huge pile of work i have

ive been sitting at the computer for hours just working! and its thirty something degrees outside :(

have fun though and youll be missed :)

style.street said...

I love that polaroid. i hope you are having a wonderful time.

Héloïse J. said...

come back quickly!!!!