Tuesday, July 15, 2008

when in ny

Since my recent trip to new york, I've had a couple of emails from people asking about shops that i would recommend stopping by.

you all know that I favour second hand over new stuff (although a little american apparel to keep things topped up doesn't hurt) so rather than embarking on a 5th avenue extraganza, I favoured snooping downtown on the lookout for vintage boutiques and sounding out a couple of flea markets.

although it always helps to share the love where great second hand shops are concerned, I'm generally of the opinion that you can come across a gem anywhere, so lots of my stops included random goodwill or salvation army stores.

the picks below are ones that are refreshingly affordable, because i'm sure like me you're probably sick of bveing told to check out places that, yes, are pretty but also 5 times over your budget.

112 west 17th street, between 6th and 7th
if you're impartial to a shiny ring or eight, this this jewellry shop. will satisfy your magpie tendencies. the prices range widely and for a nice change there is a large section on the left with cheaper but non the less unique rings, neckaces and broaches fit for any of the swedish princess bloggers.

the antiques garage
112 west 25th st between 6th and 7th
9am-5pm sat and sun
open only at the weekends, in the novel setting of an old car park building this market has hundreds of stalls. you can pick up clothes, old jewellry and wardrobe fillers, but it also sells some great old pieces for your house as well as cameras (i bought my polaroid here) and knick knacks form decades gone by. don't forget to do a little sweet talking to haggle down prices.

hells kitchen flea market
west 39th street between 9th & 10th avenues
open 9am to 6pm sat and sun
beneath an underpass in hells kitchen you can almost smell the ghost of edie sedgewick rummaging besides you through old naval jumpers and real fur coats. there are some great clothes stalls here and a tip; you're actually better off going on a day when it is cold and threatening to rain as the vendors are more willing to lower prices and get the hell out of there after selling what they can. i especially liked athena vintages stall; it felt like I could have been in Paris and was presented wonderfully.

fox and fawn
112 suffolk street between rivington and delancey.
if you only go to one place, this is it. you promise? because I swear (i'll tell you the same as I told abby) you'll want to try on everything all at once and curl up in the corner and have someone stroke your head while you dream of bunny rabbits and clothes. and then you'll compose yourself, try on a stack of lovelies and leave with something(s) that you'll cherish, without giving your bank account a massive beating.
there were some places that I didn't manage to stop by (until next summer..) but I've heard good things about them :

screaming mimis
382 Lafayette St.
packed full of handpicked vintage, i get the impression that SM is along the same lines as london's absolute vintage and beyond retro, but a little pricier than some of the earlier mentioned ny stops. however, it is a favourite of stylists and stylish civilians alike who cite it as among the best of the vintage stores in ny.

beacon's closet
88 n. 11th st. brooklyn or 220 5th ave. brooklyn
the tip top vintage mecca will require a trip over the bridge, but you should be heading over there anyway if you know anything about fashion as it has been home to a serious influx of interest since the start of the noughties. not sure about the prices of stock over here, but I've heard it's really worth a visit.

123 east 7th street
or 217 mott street
favoured by chloe sevigny, although she does admit that it is a little steep, so screaming mimi's is probably the cheaper option. however the boutique which has opened in an old funeral parlour 12 years ago is one of new yorks most famous stops with nicolas guesquiere, kate moss and well, bloody everyone among it's customers . so i'd go there to get a feel but then go to the smaller shops for a more personal experience.

please be sure to share the love and comment about any other places you think i've missed out or that deserve a mention.

all pics fox and fawn


Kayla said...

thank you so much for this! usually when i go to new york, i'm too scared to go into anywhere besides aa because i am intimidated by high vintage price tags. but this guide will be incredibly helpful for my next visit!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Now I want to go to NYC again!

A. said...

fox and fawn! really is there anything better?


Style On Track said...

Oh i want to go shopping in new york, everything sounds exactly like I picture it in my head. Culture, style, shopping :D

Héloïse J. said...

wish i had all this 4 [it must be 4...] years ago!!!!

Jaclyn Johnson said...

I shop at all of those! Great choices... love discotheque Confusion... check out my blog if you havechance would love to exchange links :)

Siru said...

I'd die to go to NY.

juliet xxx

Kat said...

I think this is the first time that I truly have wanted to go to New York. I have always presumed that it would be cool but just not for me, but now....

Amazing places by the sounds of things. Love the photos too. God, i want a polaroid

Lauren said...

i gave you a brillante blogger awardon my blog :)

Shen-Shen said...

I live about an hour's train ride from NYC, so I've been dying to go vintage shopping! My mother isn't the clothes type so she doesn't know of any good places, so this was really helpful! :D

Anonymous said...

love the polaroids!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm definitely keeping this as a reference for the next time i'm in ny!!!

kirsty lee said...

i LOVED fox and fawn. went to some other great places round there - which i'm sure you found too - but can't remember the names.

for NEW stuff, i recommend The Good the Bad and the Ugly on kenmare st.

info here http://www.goodbaduglynyc.com

Thu said...

i've never been to new york city, but this list has made me want to go more than ever!

Guirec Munier said...

U r a fashion addict ! If u want, I invite u to come to see some of the most beautiful heels, dresses and bags of the Paris fashion weeks and many more...!

Mimi said...

Going to NY is one of my biggest wishes..
Sounds great what you write.I read in various mags about all these great flew markets.

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

Great guide!! I love vintage stores and flea markets, and you have a Polaroid, that's lovely :)

Teresa said...

I'm dying to go to New York more than eveeeer...
And man I'll miss polaroids when their film stock dries up, sigh.

Suze said...

polaroids are great
your blog is great
you are great
what else do i want?

WendyB said...

I always need to throw in a recommendation for vintage designer clothing -- my friend Evan's store, Frock, on Orchard Street between Stanton and Rivington.

Times of Glory said...

Dear, the shops are so cool! I think I need to change my holiday this year and rebook a ticket xxxxxxxxxxx

bestie said...

ugh, i need to go to new york!!

SICK. said...

oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
trying my best not to gush like a little girl at a boy band concert, but thanks for this post.
i'm finally going to nyc this summer (it is my favourite palce in the entire world and i've never even been)and this guide has definitely helped.
thanks again !


Disneyrollergirl.net said...

I'm going in September yay! This is so fab, forget all the designer shops (well apart from that cheap Marc one) I'm doing vintage all the way. Have added these to my file of NY must-dos! Now, re the polaroid, is it still easy to buy Polaroid film? I've got a polaroid camera which I've not used for ages but obv you've inspired me so I might have to take it to NY (I know, I'm such a copycat).