lovely shirtdress, lovely song (never tire of a bit of Best Coast)
and may I doff my hat to the clever souls behind the unofficial Best Coast videos on Youtube, so artfully paired with clips of 60s races, french films and dance sequences. Worth a look.
and may I doff my hat to the clever souls behind the unofficial Best Coast videos on Youtube, so artfully paired with clips of 60s races, french films and dance sequences. Worth a look.
loving that shirt dress xxx
Love Best Coast! This is such a cute post.
er, wow, what a perfect video! xx
i'm loving how it's so simple
yeah, best coast is pretty rad. so is your shirtdress.
i absolutely love your music taste! so far you've inspired me to listen to Charlotte Gainsbourg and now Best Coast...do you like Wavves or Times New Viking? I'm psyched to be going to the Matt Groening ATP this year....anyhow if you have time i think you should make a Spring mix playlist for your devoted fans! x
love this look!
OMG, that video is TOO MUCH. I totally love it
and love the post!
xoxo, B.
Wow I think thats a vintage Thierry Muglar denim dress!
i love that purse<3
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