Happy New Year! Most people have a bit of a soft spot for horoscopes, don't they? You'll read through them and most of the time they'll be fairly accurate, but even if they're not, you may like me, be subconsciously tempting to mould your lives just so that they fit. I've compiled a list of stylish horoscopes, a bit of a best dressed list of the spiritual world! The second installment will come later in the week, so if you're star sign isn't here, keep your eyes peeled..

Other stylish capricorns: zooey deschanel, erin wasson, georgia jagger
Lucky Days: 5, 6, 13, 14, 24
Your Forecast: 2009 comes in like a lion with the triple threat of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter powering up your stars. You continue to gear up for tremendous change, with the biggest chunk of the transformation starting this month. For starters, you’ve got the mojo of the powerful full moon on 10 January. This is activating your partnership and marriage sector. Expect some interesting drama to flare up with whomever or whatever you feel married to during this time. If this includes a business partnership, you’ll have to weigh some very important decisions this month. On the financial front, it’s wise to take a more conservative approach especially around the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 16 January. Many things will shift over the next six months, so hold off on major commitments with your money until you can regain a sense of the big picture. Mercury, the communications planet, will retrograde back into your sign on 21 January, so you’ll have a chance to re-do, rethink and revise any glitches from late 2008.

Other stylish aquarius: daisy lowe, anita pallenberg Lucky Days: 7, 8, 15, 16, 25
Your forecast: Lucky Aquarians have tons to celebrate this New Year as the planet of fortune and fabulousness graces your stars throughout 2009. A huge blessing like this only comes around once every twelve years, so consider this your “make it or break it” year. Despite the conservative tone around you, you’ll be feeling more daring than ever. Good things seem to fall into your lap and new people you meet are beyond generous. Between 11 and 22 January, Mercury is out phase in your sign, potentially botching up some important communication. Keep commitments and big decisions to a minimum. Powerful changes are stirring toward the latter half of the month as a result of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 26th of January. By this point, you’re a total pro when it comes to going with the flow and not getting shocked by ceaseless surprise. You’re not the same woman you were when 2008 began, and you’ll continue to blossom throughout 2009.

Other stylish pisces: theodora richards
Lucky Days: 1, 2, 6, 18, 28
Your Forecast: Life is about to get incredibly sugary–almost sticky sweet this month. The love and beauty planet enters your constellation on 3 January, where it will remain all month. January will be anything but dull and dreary. Harmony should flow in abundance all month long, inspiring you to create a sense of gorgeousness in every area of your life. It’s time to turn the tables and start spoiling yourself for a change, the way you usually do for everyone else. Start the year off right by indulging in spa treatments; you know you want to. The full moon on 10 January totally lights up the romance and pleasure sector of your horoscope for the entire weekend, so book something magical during that time. During the remainder of the month you’ll probably be caught up in revising your resolutions for 2009. Mercury will retrograde in the area of your horoscope ruling goal-making, confusing your agenda. The key to success this month is to remember that nothing is written in stone; proceed accordingly and get as many pedicures as you desire.

Other stylish Aries: Edie Sedgwick, Keira Knightley
Lucky Days: 3, 4, 11, 12, 21
Your Forecast: In 2008 you put yourself squarely on the map. With firm footing (or at least a definitive direction) in your career of choice, you can now seek the people with whom you’ll rule the world. 2009 starts off on a fabulously social note for go-getting Rams. Jupiter moves into your eleventh sector on 5 January, encouraging you to go about collecting kindred spirits wherever you go. As an Aries you usually prefer to go solo, but this year you’d much rather be a team player. Friends and friends of friends are your touchstones this month. There is still an intense emphasis on career breakthroughs, especially with Mars in Capricorn until early February. January is probably your most ambitious month of the year, because by February you’ll be so wrapped up in romantic pursuits that you’ll forget your boss’ name. One caveat: Mercury goes retrograde on the 11th. Computer crashes, cell phone loss (or breakage), missed flights, achingly slow trains and general chaos are all par for the course until the end of the month. Your luck might come in the form of an old colleague who reappears out of the blue to take your current project to the next level. Just don’t rush anything; a slow and steady approach wins the day.

Other Stylish Taurus: Jessica Stam, Wes Anderson
Lucky Days: 1, 5, 6, 23, 24
Your Forecast: With your lovely, bubbly ruler Venus moving into Pisces on 4 January, the year starts off on deliriously romantic note. It’s as if the cosmos have extended your holiday party rounds until February. Kick up those heels and don’t retire your Little Black Dress. With an entourage of beautiful friends and perhaps some hangers-on, you’re doing the town in high style and attracting much attention. Lavish dinners (or at least gorgeous potluck dinner parties) are the order of the month. It’s true that the economy has everyone is feeling a little less glam right now, but you know how to make the best of things. As a master of DIY you can make even the simplest ensemble look super chic and the most difficult circumstances positively delicious. Adding to the lively atmosphere this month is the position of Jupiter in your career house. This influence begins on 6 January and lasts all year long. You’ve been waiting for the amazing benefits of this endlessly lucky planet for at least twelve years. In 2009 you’ll launch yourself into the professional stratosphere, and there’s no looking back.

Other stylish Geminis: Kanye West, Ashley Olsen, Gisele Bundchen
Lucky Days: 3, 16, 25, 30, 31
Your Forecast: Here we go again, Gemini. 2009 opens on a rather chaotic note, with your ruler Mercury headed into retrograde motion by 11 January. You, of course, will likely feel the shift by New Year’s Day. Get your electronic ducks in a row early: back up data on your laptop and PDA, double and triple check your appointments and travel plans, and most of all – give yourself extra time to get wherever you’re going. As this retrograde falls in your long-distance travel sector, you might long to go on holiday but find your plans thwarted. Another possibility is that a past lover (perhaps an exotic, foreign companion) will appear in your life once again. He could arrive seemingly out of the blue. You might run into him on the street or get a rather forward Facebook message. Beware, Gemini – no matter how tempting it is to hook up with him again, you must remember why it didn’t work in the first place. Retrogrades can be very deceiving. At the same time, Jupiter arrives in the area of your chart ruling new experiences and philosophy on 5 January. Even if it doesn’t happen this month, you’ll definitely have your fair share of foreign travel and exotic adventure between now and 2010. You can wait, can’t you?

Other stylish Cancers: Diane Kruger, Roisin Murphy Lucky Days: 1, 2, 6, 9, 10
Your Forecast: Welcome to 2009, Cancer! January isn’t usually your favourite time of year – you’re a child of summer, after all. But hang in there. This month marks your annual solar opposition, when you’re at your least robust for the first three weeks of the month. At least you’re not alone: everyone is rather pale and pasty because of the cold weather. After eating way too many buttery biscuits over the holidays, you’re feeling less fit than ever. Your number one resolution should be three minimum visits to the gym per week. It’s the best way to keep your energy and confidence as sky-high as possible. You need those endorphins, so grab them however you can. You’re totally fantasising about a spa treatment but feeling guilty because most people are tightening their belts. You’ve scrimped and saved, and your rainy day is finally here: book a Thai massage and don’t look back. The weekend of 10 January is ideal, with the full moon in your sign. You need it now more than ever; your frugal friends never have to know.

Other Stylish Leos: Jourdan Dunn, Yves Saint Laurent
Lucky Days: 3, 4, 11, 12, 31
Your Forecast: The big news of 2009 is also the headline this January: relationships are at the centre of your universe. Thank Jupiter, the planet of life-changing luck and fabulous fortune. This cheerful planet moves into your partnership house on 6 January and stays there for the entire year. Leos have been caught in a whirlwind eclipse cycle for approximately the last eighteen months, so you well deserve some happiness on the relationship front. You’ve got excellent romantic karma whether you’re single, dating, or in a long-term affair. It gets even hotter for you during the last week in January. With Mercury retrograding in your relationship house between the 11th and the 22nd, be on the lookout for men from your past. The New Moon in Aquarius on 26 January is the ideal time to manifest the man you’ve wanted to meet. Get down to brass tacks: make a list of everything you’ve ever wanted, from personality to eye colour. He may not be an exact replica of your dream man, but he’ll be damn close. If you will it, there’s always a way.
horoscopes by Sherene Schostak and Stefanie Iris Weiss for Elle Magazine
What a neat idea! I like to read horoscopes (though I'm very selective, my "gurus" are Rob Brezsny and Marco Pesatori...) and a stylish one is always fun to look at. I'm a Virgo, so I can't wait for the next part!
Wow, thanks for this! I haven't checked my horoscope for so long! I am a cancer!
awesome post my love!!!!
im a sago!
and thanks for the comments..and yes def nothing better than a good thirft adventure! sooo good.
xxx LM
This such a great post!
I love the idea.
Thank you for this.
oh this is wonderful! so hilarious, horoscopes are always a good read... and i'm excited to see that me and kate share more than just a love of ageing rock gods and fur....
ps. thank you for your advice on my HELP post, it was really so insightful, and you're right about organising an internship myself, but i feel that having it done for me and secured through the uni sounds like too good an idea to let pass by. i'm going for the degree. wish me luck!
This post is so cool. I love horoscopes, when I was born my mum had this man (what are horoscope people called?) write what I would be like from my starsign and we read it the other day and it is spot on.
It even said I would marry someone from another culture, and I hate British men so that impressed me ha ha.
Your a leo right? With YSL
x x x x
Oh AlicePleasance, I'm a Virgo too! I must have missed the Elle 'scope so I'll wait til the end of the week and read it here. Hmmm, who are the well dressed Virgo fashionistas? I can't think of any! Gwen Stefani??? I'm crazy about reading my horoscope but only the long ones, not the daily ones!! Thanks Stevie :)
oooh I'm a gemini and my birthday is on a lucky day, I cannot lose! I had no idea I shared a star sign with the Olsens either.. Cant say there seems to be too much truth in the star sign other than I am planning to do a lot of traveling.
I just believe when it's something good, haha. Thanks! I'm capricorn and I liked to read this post.
Kisses from Brazil.
this was a really good post, I loved reading it.
I check your blog pretty much everyday and the posts are always great. Mind if I add your link?
What a huge work you've done! As Virgo wasn't included and I believe it's bad luck if you read wrong horoscope I kind a skip the post.
juliet xxx
Oh grrr, no Virgo yet...
Great post! Loved it - im a total zodiak fiend :D
Nice idea! I'll be on the lookout for Libra.
very cool idea! i laughed at the picture of kate moss in the store.
i loved it!! thanks for this post.
I don't believe in these things but I sometimes read it just for fun, and it scares me when they are right! haha
& you always, always come back with a bang!
cheers for posting nathalie (you know how i love her) & a mention of miss murphy never hurt ;]
cant wait to see mine!
love xxxx
siiiick i got kate moss .
& erinwasson + georgia jagger ♥
my faves :]
nice little surprise :fashion+astrology! thank you thank you all the way from dubai.
What a great post. I love that Margherita Missoni is another Pisces. I swear by my horoscope; the stars never lie!
no libras :(
or am i blind ?
This post is awesome though, great idea ! :)
i have something in common with diane kruger, haha
i've never had a pedi in my life, maybe i should go get one because Mercury has just told me so :P lol
This is the most stylish horoscope I've ever read! I never know Kate Moss and Erin Wasson are Capricorns too, as I always see Capricorns (i.e. me) as really boring!
ah ha horoscopes.... the style advise for cancers never ever work or match up with me. me a summer person is like saying my hair is naturally blonde... but the fact that charlotte gainsbourg and i are of the same sign is always a good thing
no scorpio?!
No Libra?
awsome thanx, being a leo isnt easy. at least i know this year will bring love bc lord knows its been tough .
haha, great idea! *_*
As a Taurean this was a fun read! hopefully 2009 will be better than my shitty 2008!
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