"Sometimes we caught sight of tattered knee socks rounding a corner, or came upon them doubled over, shoving books into a cubbyhole, flicking the hair out of their eyes. But it was always the same: their white faces drifting in slow motion past us, while we pretended we hadn't been looking for them at all, that we didn't know they existed." The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides

Images, Kim Noorda by Sarah Maingot, via mixologies
Images, Kim Noorda by Sarah Maingot, via mixologies
oh just gorgeous... i love the shot with the two girls and the doonas with the blurry water and scene scape in the background... lovely!
that book just came in the mail 2day! so weird xD cant wait to read it when my course is over...the cover looks fantastic...! i find the most beautiful pictures in your blog (lol im lazy at research)
i love the first shot. i want my summer to be like that photo is.
Gosh the 3rd photos is just so stunning and natural. Her freckles are beautiful x
virginal summers .
very cool .
i love the virgin suicides quote you put in here, fits perfectly
Nice photos! :)
Love your blog <3
beautiful pics..sometimes simple and classic is just better!
That is one powerful book. I always forget to buy a copy. Off to ebay now. :D
Stunning photos. Especially the third although they are all beautiful. So summery and careless.
i love that book more than words.
Thanks for the lovely pictures!
fantastic. i wish i had wispy hair and unruly brows. the summer just brings out the best in all of us.
Gorgeous, perfect, fabulous.
i stumbled over your blog, and i must say: i love it!
i'm so looking forward to read it more!
any details on the top striped sweater? i would love to have one.
love the fun summer shots
great coral lip...relaxing sunshine-filled pictures
check out my blog @
Same as Pal, that neckline in that first shot of the striped sweater or top is sublime. Details? Thanks
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