Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Again, this is another post influenced by someone I know.

I was at a cookery course that I do at a local restaurant on tuesday evenings and Sophie who also does it was wearing a really nice outfit. It was lovely and wintery!

A big cosy red wooly beanie hat, with skinny jeans, green converse and a lovely old leather satchel handbag. [Can't remember what top she was wearing, but I think it was grey?] She looked fantastic, and her bag reminded me of my mission to find a satchel after seeing a really nice one when I was on my work experience week. Unfortunately, when I asked S where her bag was from, she said she didn't know, as she found it in her room and thinks it is her sisters. Which is rather annoying, but also probably pretty cool for her?

Don't you love that feeling when you find something really cool that belonged to a relative or something? Like an old pair of heels or something, and you feel smug because you didn't have to shell out £30 for the fact it was "vintage".

So here are some pictures of retro satchels that I've scoured the internet for [thank god for ebay!]

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I found this old 1970s school satchel on ebay for £7.50. It makes me think of films like The Railway Children or anything set in the 1940s where the children have their leather satchels, school caps and long grey socks! [actually, thinking about it, thats quite a 2007 winter look!]

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This bag reminds me most of Sophie's bag; quite light in colour and in pretty good condition. I really like this one, might have to get it!

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I like this, as its different from the others. It's really cute and is better in a way as it doens't way you down as much as the other slightly bulkier designs

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This is what I meant when I was talking about The Railway Children! This is a real 1940s wartime leather satchel.

If you like the look of these satchels and want to find some for yourself, I just typed "vintage leather satchel" into eBay.

S x


discotheque confusion said...

haha, i know what you mean, thats exactly what some of my friends are like! But hey, at least you can know that you don't follow trends, like they do!

S xx

Anonymous said...

I love them.