Wednesday, January 07, 2009

and the award for coolest accessories editorial goes to..

jalouse magazine with their "caricatures" story.

In my magazine-flicking list of priorities, accessories come just after the beauty section. I yawn upon reading about the top 10 facemasks on the market or that big eyebrows are back (oh, are they? well, mine look like the B List version of Ali Michael's all year round!..) and promptly see what else can amuse me. The accessories section generally fairs slightly better, and depending on the magazine, I'm always vaguely interested to see how this slightly dull realm has been jazzed up thanks to it's presentation.

Teen Vogue is a bit of a master at this; they have the ability to make you forget the $11,000 price tag of a single earring or a deliciously glossy heel by taking each accessory on a journey through Paris, or a similarly novel adventure. It's evidence that Accessories Director Taylor Tomasi is far more than show season candy.

Jalouse Magazine has taken a leaf out of the "humorous impersonation" book which has been a template used by a few magazines including Harpers for that Simpsons editorial back in 2006 and also the editorial (the magazine slips my mind..) that saw young children doing their best impressions of fashion designers as donatella, karl and co.

This time it is Vanessa Paradis, identified by her gap teeth wearing a head to toe pattern identical to that worn in her Miu Miu adverts as well as Marc Jacobs who is clutching a self help book cheekily titled "How to turn your addiction to presciption drugs".

The characters which have been fashioned out of balloons in popping bright colours are as enviable as they are cool.. just look at the overflowing piles of accessories carefully concealed within their forms. Well well,

Jalouse, we salute you!
images, fashionista


Anonymous said...

ahaha! very clever, i love the sneaky hints as to who they are supposed to be!

Faith said...

woah that's really cool/extremely creepy
&yeah it was bloody frickin freezing when i went out on new year's eve too(i thought it was a night in&then it turned out not to be)
&also who is victoire?

style-magnet said...


Anonymous said...

I actually like some of the songs on his new album, although i agree that this whole change of sound thing is kindof sad..
And kanye hasnt done anything, im just talking about what kind of music californian high school kids listen to!
Where are you from?

lizbeth said...

Haha oh my god, these are so freakin cute!

AlicePleasance said...

Yes, brilliant!

"Victoire" is Victoire de Castellane, designer of Dior Jewelry :-)

sierra said...

i know what you mean about beauty *yawn* sections in the magazines..
jalouse never fails to impress

Fashion Tidbits said...

definitely cute!

Anonymous said...

haha, this is priceless, I adore it!

Noemi Sunshine Ferst said...

That was a fun editorial.
The last few issues involved quite a lot of balls too.

Anonymous said...

neat, never seen anything of the like.

Siru said...

They make it art.

juliet xxx

karl's sweet child said...

hahaha, those are sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

great blog.

home girl said...

oh wow i just want to have a little gush and tell you how nice it is to pop in to your blog. its one of my fav cool corners of the www. love checking in and seeing what your humpty pants are getting up2. you have such a very good eye on things that helps me feel connected to what's happening. especially nice when i'm feeling far away from my long lost topshop (am still vibing off that last show) and totally overwhelmed by my dear dear tribe of wild children. so thank you and please keep doing what you do - home girl is predicting big things for DC in 2009 xxxxx

Eyeliah said...

you're right, its fabulous!

jeanie annan-lewin said...

erm has no one seen pop issue 5 and six methinks someone's copying its good though saying that xx

Anonymous said...
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