Friday, March 13, 2009

chris moore

happy friday.
back soon, i promise!


Anonymous said...

love the first photo! i just want summer even more now!

agnes said...

the first pic is absolutely beautiful, the shade of colour is very captivating.

Young Damsel said...

the colors in the first picture are amazing <33

Tinsley said...

brilliant colours .. thanks for posting this!
i couldnt get enough of your a little birdie told me feature - i need moree!!

Valeria said...

love the bright colors ughh can summer come like now.. please?

Alice X said...

those are freaking amazing. SOOO gorgeous.

Ashley Needham said...

i love the green toe nail photo, it's super cute.

your blog is reallly tite. wanna exchange links?

jessica said...

ooh, i like these .
they're very cool .

& catch up on school work first, don't worry ! :]

jessica said...

oh ps, the camera i used for those photos was just my regular old nikon d40 .

Anonymous said...

love the first one! the colors are gorgeous

Anonymous said...
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Karen said...

awesome pics, love the feet one haha

- Karen

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are incredibly awesome!! is this blog :)

Check out some pretty cool street fashion from New York University's students: