Monday, June 15, 2009


Runaround is a short film directed by KT Auleta, centered around three small town teenagers in America, following them through the summer as they experiment with boys and sunbathing on the roof.

I really wish I knew how I could get hold of a copy of this, because A.) my roof is far too weak for summer sunbathing, so I'll need to live my dream of doing so through the characters B.) i'm very partial to a little arsy indie film every now and then. and C.) well, I guess I better mention Isabelle McNally plays the lead..


Anonymous said...

wow, amazing. Thanks for posting this!

Sage said...

I really want to see this!

Miriam said...

ohh i really wanna see this movie! xxx

Meream said...

Sounds interesting. Will do more research on this. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

where is my cute boy? haha

Anonymous said...

i really want to watch this, but i doubt it'll be screening in this little country i'm in. thank you for sharing though, it looks crazily good.

xx kate

Siru said...

Looks great. Need to try to fin it.

juliet xxx

joy said...

this seems like like it will be an awesome documentary. let me know if you find more info on it.

FLORENCE. said...

it has a virgin suicide-y look to it, the soft focus and sunlight and roof scenes. Sounds like my sort of thing! I think I saw it reviewed in i-d or nylon?

Anonymous said...

awesome post! love the cinematography

BetwixtandBetween said...

yeah i read about this a while ago and i really wanted to see it!! ANd now i want to see it even moorre! Gonna have to do some searching...

Marnie said...

Looks very interesting, thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

interesting post

check out my blog @

A. said...

i MUST see this. any info you find - pass it along.


Maria said...

this looks great!! hmm should hunt it down..