I know, I know, only one day left of London Fashion Week. But be sure to check out The Daily. Have have a flick through the archive too. Our very own Disney Roller Girl has been contributing, and there are hoards of pretty backstage pics from David Hayes and it's just as quirky as it's mother publication Rubbish.

I love these pictures!! Your blog is always so amazing :)
Oooh, the all white look is so clean and classy. LOVE IT.
What a schedule... it's impressing ;)
Ah, bless you Missy, there's a special 'best of' edition coming out with The Guardian tomorrow as well...
Yes bless you my love! Great to see you last night - if not a bit brief! Lets have tea soon? Also if you want a set of The Daily's send me your address and I'll add you to our mail out - kila@rubbishmag.com
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