Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Live from Burberry HQ

Possibly the most bizarrely surreal experience.. I'm at the Burberry afterparty and sitting about two metres behind me (no joke) is Carine Roitfeld along with Julia and the rest of the Paris Vogue team. Susie Bubble and Tommy Ton were also just sat over in another corner while Katie Grand and Team Love are also here.

Okay now Carine is fully dancing, me and Ella from Cocos Tea Party are unanimous that she would be the best drinking partner ever, perfect for dancing beside on tables.

I'm having this internal dilemna; do I act all cool and aloof and pretend not to care about the fact that my heroes are standing beside me. Or do I go all out and snap and take videos? Well, a combination of the two, but I know if I do not get photographic evidence I will hate myself for the rest of my days. So I shot a video of Carine dancing. Just for all of you! Until Julia noticed me..


Ella Gregory said...

The excitment!!!!!!!

Gem said...

Haha, amazing!
Hope you're having a lush time. x

fuschiaaa said...

Oh my god, what. I am so jealous.

G said...

i watched the show live online- oh it was amazing!

G said...

i watched the show live online- oh it was amazing!

littlemolly said...

You are sooooo lucky!!!!! I just watched the video of the show. It was so good. I loved it. xx

hannah-rose said...

oh wow. wow wow wow! she would be the perfect drinking partner, she's the one who would encourage you to drink more even if you were both way too drunk. she's be driving your getaway car! haha.


Unknown said...

Oh em gee. I'm so jealous :-) Hope you had fun!

Hannah said...

haha such a hard decision!

i'd take the risk, maybe just ask and get one amazing photo that is 100% frame-worthy?



Jillian Hobbs said...

hope you had a fantastic time! the after party sounds fantastic from what i am reading about it!!!

<3 you both look really great too!


Can't wait to see that vid haha.
I wish I was in London, i traded fashion for freshers week ...

WendyB said...

Do the fun thing! Always!

Olive Tee said...

OMMG you are so lucky! Haha I'm so glad you took a video you will have to show it! How did you get to go? Great blog

Disneyrollergirl.net said...

It was hysterical. In the funny sense and the unhinged sense... (Ahem, great pic)

Daisy said...

How exciting !

Ashley said...

So amazing!! I would love the see that vid.


D&L said...

haha good work!



ELLE said...

ACE! So jealous! Did you get an invite because of your blog? x

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed every minute of it...and that you'll be showing the photos! ;)

All Women Stalker said...

Oh wow, how lucky are you! Reading Coco's Tea Party's post now. Haha


A. said...

look at miss stevie, keeping up so diligently with fashion week happenings!

& i love this photo; its so not the norm 'i attended a fashion show' shot, which makes me love it that much more.

ps, you looked gaargeous! the skirt! i die.


Marnie said...

Haha, oh wow.
I am writhing in jealousy over here.
And kudos to you for combining the two, i think you handled yourself very well.

Make Do Style said...

Brilliant - I'd have had the same dilemma!

Volunteering abroad said...

I saw the Burberry Prorsum on fashion TV. It was a collection full of modish glamour. And full of fabulousity.

Furniture removal said...

I did watch the show online and I love the collection. Very chic and elegant, I love the snow like glittery stuff falling while the models are cat walking on the runway. I thought it’s beautifully and creatively well organized fashion show.

Mrs Fashion said...

Hello, thought you might like to know... the bitch is back.

Siru said...

You are one lucky girl! but you know it.

juliet xxx

Laura. said...

wow ... how exciting?
and all this from your blog.... its a blog revolution!

Vera said...

hahaha omg I hope you share!!

Flavia Flanders said...

How great is that!!-... Jealousy is in the room..

Pearl Westwood said...

That is too fabulous!!!

Kat said...

bloody awesome! love the picture - too cool!

oh and just read your latest post -hope your feel better soon:)

Suze said...

how did you get there?
thats sooo awesome!
both of you look great on the pic!