Ever since hearing the song "The Good Ones" by The Kills back in 2005 (memories of a fantastically generous summer weather wise, and my days spent browsing through Fopp), the duo have been on my radar.
And after a little "hiatus", Jamie Hince* and Alison Mosshart have popped back, with their new track UR A FEVER, which at the moment I must spent about half of my day humming it. The video is fantastic, makes me want to curl on my a stack of old persian rugs in a Kids-esque squat style grubby warehouse.
The Kills are Nylon's February Issue cover stars; a match made in heaven because these two pretty much sum up the whole essence of Nylon, without the instantly annoying aura of Cory Kennedy type hipsters. Granted, Jamie and Alison may get the "H word" thrown at them, but hey, they're a little older now, so they're allowed to be hipsters and cool at the same time.
Then again, maybe the fact they've actually done something to achieve status has something to do with this.
I remember reading an issue of Style Magazine some years back and reading a little snippet written by Mosshart that always stayed in my head, about her look as a twelve year old and how she just shaved all of her hair off one day and felt so fantastic. Wish I could find it somewhere..
*you've got to love those mesmerising wild eyes that still feel safe and intelligent.
Oh, what's that? Nylon has dubbed London the "Coolest City in the world?" Let's see about that. Keep your eyes peeled for a related post popping up this week...
I remember reading an issue of Style Magazine some years back and reading a little snippet written by Mosshart that always stayed in my head, about her look as a twelve year old and how she just shaved all of her hair off one day and felt so fantastic. Wish I could find it somewhere..

Oh, what's that? Nylon has dubbed London the "Coolest City in the world?" Let's see about that. Keep your eyes peeled for a related post popping up this week...
Alison Mosshart's outfit at Chloe= perfection
not that it matters wen ur that fierce!
so is it still ok to have girl crushes when your past 13? Oh dear...
I just got this issue in the mail. Made me feel sartorially inspired again after this hellish winter.
i am SO freaking excited to get this issue.
im quite obsessed with everything london.
par example; miss chung...
ive literally been running to my mailbox every afternoon since the cover release.
still havent got it yet. im hoping tomorrow ;]
ps. i really should check out their music.
I'm really loving the new album.... Alison Mosshart is the better half of The Kills though.... definitely!
I love her style, the long shaggy hair, the torned jeans, the gold Dior Homme boots..Oh be still my beating heart!
I love those CL boots she is wearing on the Nylon cover
It's funny how in Hollywood to be 'cool' you have to be blonde
and in music it is more about Brunette's, don't you think?
I have no idea why this is
x x x x x
p.s like the Kate B post!!!
yay for london and the kills-
p.s your blog is great, i shall add it to my blogroll
oh wow, i really like the outfit she is wearing on the cover...are those the studded louboutin boots??
I love her outfit on the Nylon's cover :) and I love the song <3
I remember my friends and I going through this huge "The Kills" stage a couple of years ago.
I'm sorry to say that I only listen to them every once in a while now. UR A FEVER is great though. Maybe i'll get on that.
Love them on the cover of Nylon. Allison Mosshart looks amazing!
I'll have to check them out. That cover is dynamic. Maybe I should visit London, looking forward to whatever related post will be upcoming!
I love the new issue of Nylon =]
it's fantastic.
And yeah, I looked at other people's blogs and I just copied the way they wrote it!
OMFG! I MUST HAVE THAT NOW! i am a huge anglophile hehe and recently loving NYLON, therefore I have to hop in my car right now and go out and get it haha
Her style is great, I love her rock and roll vibe
I've only just heard about them and their music but I have to say they are very good!
I love they nylon music issues - but I wish the strokes would come back and get on the cover!! :)
Special post? Oooh I think i know what it is ;)
I was just reading about her earlier today, amazing style I can't wait to get this month's nylon!
I love Alison, thanks for this post :)
I love their album! but i've never
knew there was such a cool girl was
behind it!Thanks!
Yay for Alison! I've had a girl crush on her for years, good to see her getting more press :)
i remember you included her in your post a long time ago and i absolutely loved her! she's got that whole rocker chic attitude down in her style and looks.
can't wait to get my hands on it. i'm listening to this song over+over again! luv it.
*i so agree with u 'bout the aura of corry. THEY DO rock!
Now THAT is what you call a style icon. Usually I hate people discovering 'my' muses but with her I don't care, I just want to look at her all day long. Not keen on the music but when they look this good who cares if the tunes suck?
love love love it,
alisons style is amazing!!!
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