Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When A Need Is A Must

For people with a geniune and deep rooted interest in style and aesthetics, cloning your style icon's entire outfit isn't on the agenda.

Instead, you prefer to pick here and there. The best and cute little pieces that you might come across by chance, spotting it in the window of your local charity shop.
Well, that is an ideal scenario, or course, but unfortunatley it's not always that realistic.
Here are some items to inspire you, and there's not a Lohan or Richie reflecting piece in sight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment!!! It's great to read your blog too... I love it! So definately swap links... I will add you to my page now!

I love those Chloe Sevigny boots!

k @ runforthehills x

Héloïse J. said...

oh definitely cloning is out of the subject, but i've been a sinner in the past.. chloe's boots are delicious! and the next thing i covet is a bag like iekeliene's
p.s lately i luv your blog so much. it's getting more+more inspirational. thank you :)

Fashion Tidbits said...

chloe's boots and MK's shoes are both awesome!!!

Lana said...

Good post! Love the hat from Iekeliene and her whole persona too:P. And exact at this moment I'm looking (on eBay) for similair booties like the one's Chloe is wearing. But I'm going for the flat granny boots version!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Truly inspiring style mavens--I would love to steal any of their wardrobes.

Kseniya said...

they all wear amazing clothes! chloe sevigny is a true style icon and i think more people should stop focusing on lindsay lohan etc and more on her!:)

AlicePleasance said...

The open toe/back ankle shoes are wonderful :-)

Anonymous said...

oh i do that all the time! :) like for example blue flats based on an outfit kiki wore once or as can be seen in my latest posts colored jeans based on something emma watson wore, but is more fun to give your own spin, most of my influences are subconcious. good work here!

Michelle said...

Chloe's footwear, and indeed those red pumps that Iekeliene are wearing, are sell - my - first - born desirable.

Mondo-Fashion said...

this is a very nice post! I love your blog I was wondering would you like to exchange links with mine?

Tinsley said...

great post but the pictures wont link for me :(

omg - did you hear? heath ledger passed away. i am in utter shock right now...

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Love Kirsten and Chloe...

Bojana said...

Dear god, your graphics are amazing!! Don't tell me you use paint?? Because if you do, yo must have a far better version than mine.

Anyway, quirky post! I love this.

Elle said...

Consider me inspired!