Thursday, January 17, 2008

The List

The List; What will be Blacklisted? Who will make it onto the Guestlist?
TheList.jpg picture by yeahLAK


hannah said...

i love the first picture in your sidebar. but i cant make out who it is and im curious.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Why can't I click the list bigger? Is it just me?

Angel Lust PR said...

Why didn't I find you sooner!!! Check my blog,maybe you'd like to link I hope so.

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

I can't click either!!!!

Lola Eliza. said...

I cant click The List!!

Mash said...

I can't click on the list :(

Anonymous said...

I had to strain to read it but I agree with the roper boots....

discotheque confusion said...

Very strange..sorry for the problem with enlarging the image. Thanks for letting me know, shall fix it asap.

Alya said...

yeah same here. what they said.

Héloïse J. said...

me neither! and i've clicked it like 10 times thiking that my pc was taking again its own decisions!!

Anonymous said...
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Michelle said...

I have save then enlarge the image to a to work out Clemence Posey's footwear, but it was well worth it as that girl is just so damn cool. And my god don't Chloe looks fab!

Unknown said...


this is a great blog!!
jaja I don't can writting all things I think. I think that I should learn more english but internet translate very well


Tinsley said...

ooh very excited :) i cant wait to see what youve come up with :)

Shopgirl China said...
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Mónica said...

I can't click either

K. said...

same here- cant click! But I have to say you have quite a fine set of photoshop skills there!

Secretista said...

I think its blogger because my pictures don't upload enlargen either.

Yea I don't think the bobble hats work for everyone. My roommate bought one, but has yet to wear it. May be she's realized that it's not that great of a look, haha.

Mash said...

me too

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Clémence Poésy's been one of my style crushes ever since Harry Potter- I do think they could have done better with her for the Chloé fragrance campaign, though..

Ella Gregory said...

I love a celebrity baby but I don't know if I can handle anymore
I'd like a mini Ashton and Demi though!!! I am soooo up for that
or a new Beckham (only if its a girl!)
x x x xx

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Oh god please don't take the oscars away from me!

Baby Owl. said...

Can't believe I've only just found your blog
I adore the list... too bloody right about bobble hats. Where the heck have they all just come from? It took me years to find one and now they're everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I really, really hope the Oscars go on!

Kendra said...

Im in love with Clémence Poésy. She really was perfect for the new Chloé fragrance campaign.
As for the roper boots, I recently got a pair. Love them too.

Rosie said...

Nice shit!check our blog! Crazy and beautiful!