Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Now that the blog is into it's third year I have recently been posting more often and giving extra special thought to the content. I've also been working on the appearance of Discotheque Confusion, which you may or may not have noticed. Keeping things ticking along nicely whilst looking pretty in the process is a total neccessity.

Thought this would be a nice chance to raise a couple of points and ask for your input;

Do any of you find the "labels" in the sidebar helpful when you're looking at the blog? Would anyone object if they disappeared?

Are there any problems that you think I could solve to ensure smooth navigation around the page, or if there is anything that you think the page needs that could help?

This is also a good time to point out that I've added a music player. Remember back in the days when the big clunky tape blared out "Young Folks" upon arrival? Now I've gone for something a little more streamlined, and what is played will be swapped and changed regularly, so be sure to keep an ear out. Just added is the gorgeous and chilling Nude by Radiohead. Perfect soundtrack to a drizzly sunday wardrobe editing session, methinks.


maverickandlove said...

wow three years :) congrats, i love your posts and pictures. and to answer one of your questions- i dont use the labels nor do i click them on others sites.. i just find no use for them

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

three years, wow! It puts my blogs to shame though I've had websites for what..oh god i'd have to think...6 or 7 years? i'm so addicted!!

Anonymous said...

ooo 3 years, well i'm 1.5? long way to go i guess haha

umm by labels in the side bar do you mean the "tags" like posts on clemence poesy, kirsten dunst, etc. those? if so I kinda like them

Miss at la Playa said...

three years! congrats! :)

I don't use the labels bar...

lara said...

well three years wow !!:) Canograts!! I just visit your blog for the first time and I have to say i love it !! I will definately add you to m blog roll !!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I think the labels on the sidebar really help and overall your site is very easily navigated. I second everyone on the congrats and your posts are certainly top notch!

Anonymous said...

Three years! Gosh, I'm a baby in comparison!

I personally like labels.... if a post I read is great and I see a label, I'll click it to see what else you've posted on the same theme!

Héloïse J. said...

3 years? :D you are a pro now!
..well what's need to be done is to include me in your best reads :P
seriously now(!):
1. i luved'young folks' and learned it through you. oh yes!
2. i've never look up sth from the labels. never occured. but i'm a constant reader of yours-maybe that's why.
3. luv that you added again some music.
4.+ navigation is real smooth.
p.s though the popping windows from your links make it sometime a lill slow.

Ella Gregory said...

I wouldn't mind if the labels weren't there, I never use them, although I never miss a post!

Anonymous said...

i love the sidebar!!!

Molly :] said...

I love your blog as it is, dont change at all! =]

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the 3 years!! That´s a lot of time!!! :-) Navigation for me is OK. I have to say I do not like so much the music in blogs, but that´s just me...

I love the layout now, cheers!!

Secretista said...

3 years is AHHmazing!!! I've had many blogs, but I always get sick of them after a year.

The side bars as to looking for specific posts, for me personally, don't need to be there. If you are a daily reader like me, then I guess you might not need to look for a topic. But I don't know, that's just how I feel.

Anonymous said...

i've only recently started visitng your blog everday and i love it
i do use the side tabs
it would be cool if you could update the songs you play on the site that way i wouldnt hve to google what i hear when i dont know whats playing :D

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, but I've never been a big fan of music on blogs, (because i'm usually already listening to music on itunes while web surfing) ..also after stopping the player It still seems to slow navigation down..
But I do think your blog is one of the best..so thanks!!

NonchalantMod said...

firstly i want to say congratulations, im an avid reader!! secondly, labels can be very helpful at times.thirdly, and only complaint: some of your links dont work on your link list..

Ceci n'est pas une blogger. said...

I just wanted to comment to say that the photo in this post is so beautiful and intriguing! But to answer at least one of your questions, I usually only use labels on blogs if the categories are very general (i.e. DIY, fashion photos, movies). I'm not usually looking for a very specific topic (i.e. MK Olsen). Love your blog and congrats on 3 years!!