if ever there was a television programme both sartorially inspiring and completely absorbing in equal measures, it's mad men.
in a world where the box is filled with "the hills" and sugary but not completely satisfying fares, mad men is in a league of it's own.
it is the perfect antidotal detox; it's the television equivalent of that leafy green salad eaten to combat a weekend of bingeing on haribo and cake. with the female leads, betty draper, peggy olson, joan holloway drifting, marching and swanning (respectively) around in the candy coloured waist cinched shapes of the early 1960s, you certainly get your five a day in the style department.
hmmm i've never seen mad men, but i've heard really good things about it...you make an intriguing analogy :-)
good analogy:) i adore the first girl, she is stunning!
Call me ignorant but I've never heard of Mad Men before. But i'm always looking for something quality to watch on the tube so i'll keep an eye out! xx
this is my favorite tv show, I always root for peggy, but love joan's style
omg omg omg i love you
i recently got obsessed with this show and i can not stop staring at their clothes
omg i love this post. everything about it.
ok.. im calm
everyone looks so posh
I am quite obsessed with Mad Men. My hubby and I watch it religiously. And I often comment on "wanting" something from the show costume-wise.
i've caught mad men a few times, but i always miss it cos it's on bbc4 and i forget about it! but i love peggy. that dress she's wearing there is like this one from topshop. http://www.topshop.com/wcsstore/ConsumerDirectStorefrontAssetStore/images/colors/color7/cms/pages/interstitial/interstitial-0000001012/images/dresses.jpg
joan .. THE VAMP ;]
i like betty's outfit, though i'm assuming she's somewhat schoolmarm-ish ? i don't know, i've never seen the show .
Mad Men is my true love :-) Can't wait for season 3!
lol I've had this idea for a post for 2 months now but you beat me to it ;)
I can't get enough of Joan...
too bad s02 was so much worse than the first one, imo :( at least it was full of eye candy style-wise.
Oh ! I just love your blog !
Team Betty!
I just can't imagine trying to look as chic as those ladies before they discovered natural, breathable fabrics! We have so many options now...I wish more women still dressed like that.
ive heard so much about mad men! my design teacher talks about it all the time
- Karen
i agree 1000%
love this show
i can never decide if i would rather dress like joan or betty
i really hope it comes back for a 3rd season soon, i miss all the depressing beauty
I should really start watching this!
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