Saturday, April 11, 2009

the style files: siri thorson

Siri T is a walking homage to the seventies. And in the best way possible; not a mullet or prawn cocktail in sight. Her strawberry blonde head is as full of 70's cultural references as her wardrobe is of slouchy cardies and justin boots. Mix together her loves; a little Harold and Maude here, a little Heidi of the Alps there and you're pretty much left with Siri's exact sartorial formula; wonderful whimsy of eras gone by. Beating to the rhythm of her own drum, the film student behind Ringo, Have a Banana! doesn't tag along after trends or relentlessly preach about Alexander Wang, and she is loved for it. I had a little natter with one of the most stylish bloggers out there.

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What's on your current style wishlist?
Warm weather everything. I've spent so long feeling like a wooley bundled up lump trapped inside a black peacoat that I just wanna bust loose! I want every shoe Rachel Comey has ever created. Some chambray shorts, a gingham dress....and a calico cat. And a straw boater that doesn't make me look like a six year old trying on mommy's hats.

Would you rather live in a gypsy caravan

with Margot Tenenbaum or a tree house with Chloe Sevigny?
I would probably hang out on a rubber innertube in the sixth circle of hell (and like it) if it meant quality time with Ms. Sevigny.

What would you never be caught wearing?
Oh man, what are those things called...gaucho pants! Utterly repulsive.

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What do you do during the day?

I'm in my last year of working towards a BA in Film Studies. Basically, I sit around and watch movies all day, and then go home and sit around writing papers about them. Trying to find a part time job that pays well (or at all) has been tough lately, so I've also been trying to find odd jobs on craigslist. The other week I spent a couple hours helping a guy unpack and fold all his t-shirts and underwear for $60 and a sandwich. Sounds awkward, but it was actually the best day's work I think I've ever put in.

What do you love about where you live?
Any hidden Brooklyn haunts you're willing to share?
I have something of a love/hate relationship with my neighborhood. There are so many wonderful parts of Brooklyn...all of which have consistently proven themselves to be well out of my price range. At least I live close to the train so I can go pretend I live in Cobble Hill whenever I want! When I'm not complaining about where I live, I like to get brunch at
Little D in Park Slope or at Egg in Williamsburg (totally worth the consistently crazy-long wait), then take a stroll over to Bird on Grand St. to touch beautiful clothes I can't afford. In the summertime, nothing tops off a lazy evening like a creme ice from Ralph's on Graham and Metropolitan. So yes, basically all my favorite Brooklyn activities involve eating food.

Are there any "style rules" that you abide by?
The usual (but nonetheless totally valid) "be true to who you are, don't be afraid to take risks" line. I also try to pay pretty close attention to the proportions of things that I wear. I think it all comes down to knowing what looks best on you and what suits your shape. I stick to skirts and dresses that hit at least a few inches above the knee, and I try and balance shapes and sizes--you know, roomy on top and slim on the bottom and/or vice versa. Taking pictures of my outfits has definitely made me much more aware of what looks terrible on me! I can't wear wide-cut pants or puffy sleeves without looking like a circus freak.

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List some things that make you happy.
thunder storms. salt watermint. tea with honey. vintage suede. getting mail. listening to oldies radio. staring out the windows of moving vehicles. Simon and Garfunkel. J.R.R. Tolkien. shiba inus. lilacs and cabbage roses. kiwis and mangos. the revenge montage in "Rushmore". falling asleep holding hands.

And some people that you admire.
David Lynch. Hal Ashby. Thor Heyerdahl. David Byrne. Captain Jean-Luc Picard. My Grandmother.

Favourite decade?
The 1970's! Any decade that brought us Roxy Music, roller disco, platform heels (for Men and Women), Big Biba, The Passenger (the song and the movie), Saturday Night Live, Star Wars, and the Ramones wins pretty hard in my book.

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Tell us a song that'll make us dance.
"Place Unknown" by Quintron is my favorite party jam. Also, anything on "Music for Parties" by Silicon Teens.

Your failsafe outfit for a day of feeling uninspiried?
Dress + boots = at least I feel like a human girl.

If you could swap lives with any fictional character, who would it be?
Agent Dale Cooper or Heidi (the one who got to live in the Swiss Alps with all the goats, not the supermodel.
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young-shields said...

wow she looks just lovely, that last dress is v jean seberg a bout de souffle!

ohhhhhh i want long hair ! y-s x

Kat said...

i recently came across her blog via your blog, stevie, and love it.
love the second outfit especially.

btw love your outfit in the the previous post. i totally know what you mean about the style rut, i feel like i'm in one at the moment for sure, i should take your advice and clean out the wardrobe

Anonymous said...

loooooooooooove her style. is so effortless, not contrived and dreamy!!! LOVELY. x

Cindy said...

so cute, great style and she loves twin peaks. nice one. i love the look with the heart print tights and mini dress. perfection.

Anna G said...

She's adorable. I love her pics and her love for the 70's.

Anonymous said...

oo i love her, great interview

The Beauty Mum said...

Excellent questions and answers! And totally agree on the pay-attention-to-proportions issue...X

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Love the Q & A! What an amazing style!

lady stardust said...

gorgeous outfits,
you have a great style :)

jessica said...

yay, i love q & a's :)

Anonymous said...
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eluv said...

hey i love your style, all your outfits are great!! i havent been to your blog before but i will surely be visiting it quite often :) hope your having a wonderful easter!!

Anonymous said...

Love all her outfits, soo whimsical!

Anonymous said...

I just found her blog thanks to your "April's Best Reads" link. She's awesome.

Unknown said...

love the outfits.

trés chic.


Kalba said...

darling, worship your i want to personally invite you to try and win the cuttest "Alf" earings i made..come and check it out in my blog!

An (ex) alien in new york said...

"I would probably hang out on a rubber innertube in the sixth circle of hell (and like it) if it meant quality time with Ms. Sevigny."
She is my new favourite person fr saying that.

E.K. said...

Wonderful interview, she's a lovely gal.

Luna : said...

Whoza, I love that blog so much, great interview :-D

pigeon.toed said...

i love her blog! my favorite part of the interview is her odd job of folding clothes for a guy.

Eyeliah said...

I love her style/blog, great feature!

aynymd said...

Wow,soooo cute!!!!

Prune said...

yeah, she is amazing!

home girl said...

fab interview, love her effortless style and 70's vibe will defo be checking out her blog

Anonymous said...

Beautiful look and a beautiful girl.