Ah, the wait is almost over as next Friday sees the release of A Single Man..
image from warningdontreadthis.tumblr.com
Tom Ford was just ahead of my time in the fashion world, as I started to become fully aware of designer brands and their creative directors just after his departure from Gucci and YSL (though I do remember falling in love with his Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche cherry heels back in 2003 when the sheer concept of wearing high heels seemed very adult indeed..) Aside from Ford's fashion connection, I have been truly excited about the release of this film for quite some time on my film geek side. (Ah the hours I while away on Internet Movie Database keeping up to date with my favourite directors' next projects..)
With Julianne Moore who registers simultaneously on my mental 'woman crush', 'style crush' and 'actor crush' lists, Colin Firth (I've a sneaking suspicion my soft spot for him will only be enhanced by his 'sensitive gay professor' performance) and Mad Men's production designer all in the mix, I'm confident that it can only be a beautiful spectacle of a film, and certainly in the style stakes.
click here to check release dates for your country
I hope we can believe the hype, it should be fantastic. And even if the acting or the scriptwriting or the production let this film down in any way, we can at least have faith that the pure narcissistic quality of the styling will be a knockout.
it looks brilliant. love the 60's eye makeup and the costumes.
This movie does look so good. Julianne Moore is such a delightful actress.
i've seen it twice its so good! i can't wait to see it again :)
The screen captures are so gooooood. I must watch this.
oh. i saw this last week here in Baltimore - it really was something. so somber, so beautiful. god there was a WHOLE lot of eyecandy. enjoy!
I can't wait to see that!!
such a cool trailer.. can't wait to see the actual film. thanks for the video! <3
Would definitely want to see this. Looks like a movie that'd warm the heart.
it is so good so good so good. definitely academy award worthy.
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