my friends are going to judge me. I was in London this weekend for a brief stay with a friend and succumbed to buying a pair of clear glasses. It's like a dirty little desire that's been festering away within me. I can't help it, sometimes I wish I was shortsighted just so that I could socially acceptably wear lenses. from here on I must tread carefully; my dear friend Emily, herself a genuine glasses wearer has little patience for the likes of the club I am now enrolled in.
Moving swiftly on; London was lovely. Since my Aunt traded her life in Finsbury Park for a new chapter in Buckinghamshire and Babyraising my visits have been less frequent so I've missed the Big Smoke somewhat. On Saturday though me and Tom met for lunch at Portobello Market and spent the rest of the day wearing our legs out with a walk around the city; through Hyde and St James Parks, Westminster, Trafalgar Sq and to Shaftesbury Ave to catch the afternoon showing of Four Lions. Four Lions was as expected very funny in parts although somewhat tarnished by an overzealous audience member who HAWHAWed at anything vaguely amusing. Later we went back to Dalston and stayed in with a Thali takeaway and watched The Graduate. Which I had somehow never seen and fell in love with it just as much as I would have predicted. The soundtrack was one of my favourites anyway especially after playing it repeatedly on vinyl when we stayed with our Los Angeles couchsurfers.
So for start of the week, a little Simon and Garfunkel in homage to a timelessly brilliant film.
If you have a chance, take Docklands light rail running from Tower hill to far east london through Buisness place of canary wharf. You may pop in there. You could enjoy new London while riding DLR. :)
Those glasses look so dam good on you! and i adore the graduate the soundtrack is incredible! so soothing to listen to :)
Nah I dig them, tell you're friends you are too cool to care haha you look cute.
one of my favourite films - brilliant in so many ways..
and you definitely can pull off the lenseless glasses m'dear!
the songs in the Graduate are simple fantastic, best S&G ever
Those frames are REALLY cool.
Those glasses suit you so much. Sometimes I'm tempted to buy glasses just for the sake of it, even though I don't need them either.SarahD
Dude, I was just at the eye doctor today for reading glasses. Wait till you're 40 -- you'll have all the glasses you want.
gorgeous glasses :D
i've also felt the same about wearing clear lenses but was escited to find out recently i 'borderline' need glasses for long distense, i actually danced with joy!!shopping for glasses is the best fun i have discovered
i know what you mean, i almost bought a pair of vintage cat eye frames over the weekend, but my husband stopped me. i might go ahead and find myself a clear pair just to see if i'll wear them.
hey stevie!
im the one who bought your brown daisy print dress off ebay!
ive been meaning to reply to you for the past few days and even my mums been telling me to too describing you sending the little card as really 'chummy' but really i wanted to send you a picture of me wearing the outfit though once again lazyness has overruled, promise to take one soon!
thanks for the dress i love it and have had loads of compliments this past few days!
Lucy xxxxx
The Graduate is one of my favorite movies ever. There's so many good parts, and the writing is just fantastic. I love listening to the soundtrack on lazy summer days.
I agree with Emily, although yours are a lot better than the ones i see young girls wearing from primark.
Also its good to see my picture is still up on your wall and now even more famous then it was before (in that small restaurant in Chamonix)
geek glasses!! love the cougar thing on the graduate! jajaja
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